Chapter 3

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You cursed softly as Nurse pulled the bandages away from your face. You lifted our hand towards your face but it was quickly swatted away.

"You can't touch this side of your face!" Nurse scolded as she gripped your jaw to turn the injured side of your face to her

It had been about a week since L had arrived and much of the tech has been improved on thanks to her. You winced as Nurse traced her gloved hand over the wound. Her metal hand still hand a firm grip on your jaw as she pushed some blood soaked hair away from the wound. She tsked.

"You should have come to see me when I told you to, your wound won't heal properly then." She sighed, "I know you're the leader, and you're trying to make sure everyone else is ok before you, but this isn't gonna go over well." She continued as she pulled your lower eye lid down, "Your eye is so irritated from all the blood and almost getting shot off by a laser." She grumbled her metal hand released your jaw and grabbed a light from the tray behind her, "Follow the light if you can see it." She commanded

You waited patiently for her to start. after about a minute you saw a small light at the corner of your vision and tried to look towards it. Nurse tsked again. She released your eye lid and placed the light back on the tray. You watched as she walked over to her limited supplies and got some things to clean and bandage your eye. As she rubbed the soft cloth on bottom of your wound you eyed her metal arm with your good eye.

"When are you free? I would like to work on your mechanical arm." You asked

"After I'm done with you I shouldn't have patients." Nurse stated as she continued to clean the stinging wound

You flinched as the soft cloth grazed over your eye. Nurse sighed softly and continued to clean the irritated skin and wound. She started to unroll the bandages onto your face. She pulled away.

"Mk done, lets go so you can work on my arm." Nurse said pulling the plastic gloves off and throwing them away

You got up and lead her towards the labs. You gestured to a stool by a table and opened a cabinet and got your tools. You pulled a stool up by Nurse, who had laid her arm across the table. You began to work on her arm, you decided now would be the best time to get to know your head medical officer.

"So I want your advice," you said pulling the lid off the control panel, "I've been mulling over it for a couple days and, hmm how should I put this, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to go back to the old base and scavenge for what's left over the supplies, what do you think?" You asked using a screwdriver to remove some extra paneling

"Ya want my opinion?" Nurse sounded almost surprised, "Well I think you should take the more.... mentally stable ones, if you were to go through with it." Nurse said flinching slightly as you tugged on a bright red and white striped wire, "Ya know some of the ones who aren't as sad and are less likely to breakdown upon entering the base, ya know?"

You nodded slightly not taking your eyes off the wire you were fiddling with, "That's solid advice. Who would you recommend?" You questioned disconnecting the deemed useless wire

"Well, L to start, she didn't a connection to the place at all," Nurse tapped her fingers on her chin, "I'd take Mew," you chuckled softly at the name given to your head of  communications officer, "She's still healing more, but can lift way more than anyone else. Hmm... ya don't want too many there, otherwise it'll be suspicious, the Ricks could still be patrolling there ya know, so I'd also take Butterfly, She's pretty mentally stable and knows her way around a weapon."

You nodded those were good choices, you were out of business questions so time to prod.

"So how did you get this metal arm?" You asked taking an electric tool out from the tool box

You jumped back in surprise when Nurse let out an almost animal growl. Her lip was drawn back showing off a frighteningly sharp canine. Her brows were low and cast shadows over her eyes, the opposite of B's eyes the iris was ringed in gold and not the pupil. The whole look on her face just sent a chill down your spine. Her other hand was clenched so tightly into a fist that the knuckles turned white and you most definitely believed her nails broke the skin. She lowered her head. Large chucks of (h/c) hair fell from the thick and loose braid it was in and covered parts of her face. You hesitantly moved back to her mechanical arm running the electrical tool over your fingers as you slowly began to work on it again. You stiffened as she spoke.

"Sorry, just thinkin' 'bout him makes me want to stab someone in the throat." Nurse said in a low voice, "But as you should have inferred from that statement. It was my Rick who go me this god damned hunk of metal in place of my arm." She growled

You nodded remembering that L had told you something similar way back when, "If you don't mind me asking how did he cause you to need a prosthetic?"

"Not t'all, it's not a story I really like sharing, but you're my leader and I suppose you deserve to know." Nurse sighed and closed her eyes, "It all started way back when I was in nursing school...."

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