Chapter 28

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(Credit to artist cause I'm lazy)

You huffed a little placing the computer down into the place L directed.

"Is this fine?" You grunted wiping some dirt from the top.

L hummed softly pushing up her visor to rub her eyes.

"I-umm.." she pulled her hand back, "Yeah that's fine Boss.."

You paused to look at her, "Are you alright L?"

She chuckled softly, "I should be asking you that," she smiled playfully showing off the slight tan line where her visor lay, "You did just learn that you are heir to an alien dimension's kingdom and that the dimension you grew up in isn't your own." She vented

You chuckled softly, "Hey. Trust me, I'm freaking out on the inside. Have to stay cool for the masses."

She smiled a little. It was a tired sweet smile that made you realize how much stress you've been putting on the girls.

It made your heart throb.

And my it the good cute guy in boy-band kind of way.

In the bad your-parents-are-getting-a-divorce kind of way.

You sighed softly at her and turned your head as Prudens walked in holding a surprisingly large egg.

"Your highness," he paused seeing L, "Lab correct?"

"Yes, I am Lab."

"Greetings, but anyway your highness," Prudens turned to you, "I have a gift from the people of the Iacon Region."

"Iacon?" You spoke, "I swear soon enough you'll be telling me Bumblebee is at my doorstep."

"I don't know what you mean your highness." Prudens spoke confused

You chuckled softly, "It doesn't matter, but anyway you said a gift?"

"Ah yes," he stroked over the egg he was cradling, "This egg will only hatch when held in the hands of the queen."

He offered it to you and you hesitantly took it into your arms.

The egg was large, nearly the the length of your forearm, and very wide. It was a dashing shade of royal purple as well.

Nothing happened for a few moments then with a loud crack the egg shell started to crumble.

Soon enough the egg shell fell away and a quiet cry of new life that just hatched into your arms.

You stared with wide eyes at the fiery amber ones of the hatchling in your arms.

"It's... it's a dragon??" You spoke looking up at Prudens

"Yes your highness, your dragon."  From behind his hood you could tell he was smiling widely

You looked back down then the dragon crooned softly at you. You gazed at the almost fantastically dragon. You studied the warm (f/c) scales to the white under belly exposed to you.

"I'm gonna call it, Bee." You spike looking back up

"It doesn't resemble a bee though Boss." L spoke curiously looking over your shoulder

"That doesn't matter Im the queen I do what I want." You spoke sassily

Little Bee yipped up at you climbing up into your shoulder and nuzzling around your neck.

"Cool I have a dragon now." You spoke lifting a finger for a little snoot boop

Bee gladly boopped his snoot his breaths hot on your finger.

"We also have some people who would like to meet you to verify your existence." Prudens informed

"Who do I have to meet?" You spoke scratching gently under the jaw of Bee

"A representative from every district that the Kingdom had controlled." He spoke slipping his hands into his large sleeves

"When will they be here?"



"Ugh do I have to wear this thing?" You asked tugging at the very official Victorian-aged dress

"Yes your Highness." Prudens spoke placing a flower crown on your head

You sighed loudly and smoothed over a few of the ruffles as Bee happily fluttered down to your shoulders.

"I'm ready Prudens." You breathed forcing down your anxiety

He nodded towards a door and you walked towards it pausing t the bottom steps to slip off the "customary" heels Prudens too you to wear and walked up the steps.

Bee chirped happily announcing both his joy and your arrival. All heads turned to you as you walked towards the podium situated at the middle of the stage.

You stepped up on it and turned to them shoulders back and confident. You gazed about the room and your gaze settled on one yellow-clad teen.

One who is nearly always forgotten.

One who is sitting as a delegate at the table of districts.


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