Chapter 15

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(God this took forever to draw, but art by me)

(2nd pov)

You took a shaky breath as you crouched lowly. You looked behind you and saw the others following you. You watched the heavily shadowed backs of the Flight Supremacist as you slowly made your way to the cages of fliers and grounders. You watched the large fire they started dance and twist as a bat winged man preached to the listeners. You grabbed and rattled the cage door softly the wood clattering against itself. You drew attention of the two grounders huddling in the far corner of the cage.

You pressed your fingers to your lips. You worked the bindings lose and looked to the others opening the other cages. You waved the grounders out and rejoined the growing group of escapees. Butterfly was organizing them out so each flyer had a grounder to carry.

Silently everyone worked their way back to cover. You made sure you were last out in the open. As you shuffled forward. Someone grabbed your ankle in a tight grip. You released a choked sound which caused Butterfly, Antiquis, and Fly to look back at you with wide eyes.

You were jerked backwards your chest colliding with the hard dirt. You clawed at the ground pulling up chunks of the lush grass as you were pulled back towards the ring of Supremacists. The leader placed one of his feet on your back between your shoulder blades.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A grounder trying to escape? Well looks like you've-" he was interrupted by another voice

"Sir! The Grounders and Ground Lovers are gone!" The foot on your back ground into you pushing your chest closer to the ground, making your breaths shallow and painful

"Well, not all of them." He said, "Take her hover gear, she'll be the only one to gets a taste of Flight."

Soon the devices were ripped off your shoes. With a sharp kick to your side forced you to roll over. Your throats was quickly grabbed above your collar. You clawed at the arm as you were lifted from the ground. You threw your legs out wildly trying to kick him. Goddamnit you hated having short legs. Soon all ground disappeared from below you. You were at the mercy of this grounder hater. You growled scratching at his large fingers latched around your throat.

"Any lady words grounder?" He asked a thick white brow raised

You spat at him. The vile saliva that was building in the back of your throat collided with his face. He blinked for a brief few seconds shock written on his face. Then his face contorted into one of rage as this fingers closed down tighter on your throat. You let out a choked gasp as your group was forced forward and down to their knees.

You furrowed your brows and struggled harder against the hand around your throat.

"Hmm, let's play a fun game ground lovers, who can catch the grounder, but-" the leader lifted a finger to pause, "Break one of Antiquis' wings."

"N-o!" You coughed on your own words as they stretched one of his beautiful white wings out

With a swift crack Antiquis fell forward with a loud cry of pain his wing having a bend that was not supposed to be there. Fly rushed forward to him, but Butterfly remained still her eyes trained on the man suspending you above a drop you didn't want to even think about how deep was.

Her eyes challenged his, as if daring him to drop you. A sick grin twisted on his face. Suddenly all pressure was removed from your throat.

A scream rippled out of you as the air whipped all around you. Your limps flailed as you tried to straighten yourself out. Your heart was leaping from your heart to your feet. Your hair whipped and tangled into itself. Another scream rippled into the air as your life flashed before you. You heart took a heavy thump against your rib cage as it tried to break free.

Suddenly arms engulfed your waist and your eyes focused in on Butterfly's face. Her wings stretched out in an effort to slow your decent. Her hair whipped around her slim face that twitched in pain as the wind tore away chunks of the edges of her wings. She flipped your positions as you both came crashing to the ground. She hit the ground flat on her back and skidded softly with you with her arms.

Tears prickled in your vision. You looked up at Butterfly her breathing was coming in shallow pained breaths. You could hear the strained wheeze you scrambled off of her and towards her head avoiding her tattered wings.

"B-butterfly! Speak to me!" You cried placing her head on your lap

Her eyes softly fluttered open and you were meant with pained eyes her brows furrowed her lips parted as she struggled to breath.

"B-boss..." a tear skimmed down your face as you focused on the soft (f/c) pattern flowing from her bottom lid to the top of her jaw. "B-boss... t-take care of F-fly.." she coughed scarlet droplets flying into the air

"N-no! D-don't t-talk like that! S-she'll still need y-you!" You sobbed you shaking hands brushing her hair

She softly lolled her head from side to side, "S-she d-d-doesn't n-ne-ed m-m-me a-anymore." A thin trail of scarlet rolled passed her lips, "S-she n-ne-eds s-some-one s-stron-g... l-li-ke... you." The final word that left her lips was crisp and clear the light faded from her eyes

You shook your head, "N-no.." you arched your back inwards the tears working their way passed your lids and trailing down your face, "Y-you can't leave.... N-not now, y-you haven't f-finished k-keeping Fly safe."

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