Chapter 7

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You laid on your back staring at the ceiling. You focused on your breathing. In. Out. In. Out. You've faced more difficult problems. You closed your good eye letting your stressed mind clear. You felt the cold floor beneath you. You could hear your pulse slow as you calmed yourself. This is a trick Triss taught you when you were stressing about exams or anything. This was probably one of the post stressful things you have ever done. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Just focus on your breathing. Tune out the world. Relax your mind.

You guessed it was kinda a form of meditation. It really didn't matter it always worked at calming your nerves. You opened your eye hands folded neatly on your stomach and stared at the ceiling. You stood up a new sense of calm washing over you. You walked over to the table where the invention lay. You could feel the distinct pain from the other failed tests on your wrist. L would be here soon.

She was right on time. She sat at the bed of the table next to you and stared at the invention. Her visor scanning and rescanning, she looked up at the white board covered with calculations and the papers pushed into the wall with thumb tacks. A red sting tied some  pieces of information together, others were just left hanging there. You drew your eye from the machine to L.

"Are we going to do this?" You asked

"All of your calculations seem right. So let's do this." L said in a slightly worried tone

With a stern nod you pulled back your iron laced sleeve. L jumped in surprise seeing all over the scars lacing up and down your wrist. Some were still healing at that! You drew your worst closer the machine when L stopped you.

"Boss I can't let you do this, not on yourself anyway." L said pulling down her own sleeve, "I'll do it." And before you could protest she put her wrist in the machine

She winced as it worked but soon enough it finished and dropped a little white tag beside her wrist. Your eye widened. Your first success... Your first success!! A smile grew on your face as you looked at an overly excited L.

"Boss!!! You did it!" She urged you forward, "Now get yours removed!!"

You snickered at her antics and placed your wrist on the machine. It scanned over your wrist sent itself down... and nothing happened. It rebooted and tried again. Same result you instantly knew what was wrong.

"My wrist is too scared.." you muttered, "This was one sacrifice for my people I had to make I guess." You said pulling your wrist back, "Someone had to make it."

"Boss-" you cut her off

"Tell everyone to assemble in the control center." You said, "We must share the news."


You kept tugging at your sleeve as each (y/n) in line chattered happily. They were gonna get their tags removed. You stood behind your invention, L beside you. Each (y/n) gave you an overjoyed smile as they stuck their wrist into the machine. The pile of tags slowly grew until there was no one left to loss their tag. As soon as you walked out from behind the table you were engulfed in a bear hug featuring everyone. It made you feel warm and fuzzy that everyone could finally feel safe in their own skin. All except, you.

You had to keep this a secret, you didn't need anyone's pity, nor did you need them to worry again. This was your secret, your problem. You would figure it out, like you always do. These people saw that in you when they asked to to be their leader. That they should.


Hey guys sorry this chapter is so short, I was just not inspired to write anything recently so I apologize for the quality and stuff. Yeah. Comment and what not.

Hope ya get noticed,


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