Chapter 19

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(Art by: me, old ass concept art for Nurse and Lab)

You took a shaky breath adjusting your grip on your gun as L prepared the portal. You looked over your shoulder at the other (y/n)s in your raid party. You kept it small, only a few girls, and they seemed to be handling this slightly better than you.

Paint was adjusting the sight on her blaster a grin playing her face. Devil was with you since the raid of the Rick out posts so of course she has to come. Cat was here to and she was padding towards you her tail twitching over the ground. She leaned down slightly from her full height to talk to you.

"Sur' feels diffen' without Butters.." she stated quietly adjusting the strap of her satchel.

You nodded, "It does. It does."

Your eyes fixated on Ram. Her horns arched back more and curled against itself. Her short tail twitched as she spoke with the half-attentive Paint. She reminded you so much of Goat it hurt. She had joined the cause when you sent a raid out when you were working on figuring out what daycare to raid.

Cat looked back at her as well, "S'he reminds you of Goats doesn't s'he?" She asked with a tilt of her head

You nodded absentmindedly, "Though she has more experience in hand to hand combat..."

Cat nodded, "Now what'er we gettin' again?"

You sighed, "Whatever the fuck we can grab, but the (y/n)s who want to come with us take priority." You looked over at L still working behind the console, "How's it goin' there L?"

She hummed adjusting her visor on the bridge of her nose slightly, "Its going... the Rick Citadel is hard as fuck to track down, currently I have an 88.43% chance of not portalling you guys into a black hole. The smart bastards knew that if their base moves it would be harder to get too..." the last sentence she said mostly to herself as she went back to work

You nodded to yourself slinging your gun across your back the strap laying with your satchel's. You hummed and stuck two fingers into your mouth and gave a sharp whistle catching the attention of your party.

"I want your equipment checked and at 100% in twenty minutes! That includes your comms Paint." You instructed looking towards Blast, a (y/n) who made the blasters for the guards you set up way back when, was organizing objects in her neat set up

Cat went away with the others and left you to our thoughts. What a dangerous place to leave you. The half of your face you could move scrunched up slightly as the doubts that knew how to swim in the depths of your mind came towards the boat of your hopes and dreams that was already struggling to stay afloat from the storms of your thoughts not ready to be attacked from the monsters lurking below the surface. Your brows tipped upwards as you stare towards the grey concrete ground of your new base and home.

Oh how you longed for Alz's arms wrapped around you in one of her bone crushing hugs. How you pined for scarlet haired sass filled knight, Triss. How you wish you could just go back and do it all again. How you just wanted to go back to your home in Wisconsin and complain about the lake-effect heat. Or just heat in general. How you wanted your mothers hunger driven angry comments. How you wanted your father to tell you another bed time story to sooth your childish woes and vanquish the monsters living in your closet. That would be nice... but now this is your life. This is what you must complete. This is the way you must win, or die trying.

You shook your head slightly trying not to sink the little boat of hopes and dreams In your mind and took a look around. Paint was complaining that Blast have to wipe off the paint she put on her blaster as she walked towards Ram. Cat was walking over toward L and the other (y/n)s of the party were dispersing nearby. You took this time to walk up to the table and get your own things checked over.

You placed your inherited shotgun blaster down first and pulled out your minimizer onto the tabletop. Then out came your comm unit from your ear and whatever else you have technology wise into the table. Blast hummed checking everything else first then placing her hand into the gun. She raised a brow as she inspected it. She tried to cock it but the piece wouldn't move into place and back.

"... It's scanned to only respond me... it has my DNA and finger print...." you muttered an image of Pa flashing before your eyes

She nodded, "I know, I zought maybe since ve have same DNA and close I same finger-prrrint it vould vorrrk......" she continued to inspect the weapon her merging pupils studying the gun with such rigger, "Zis is imprrressive Kultsmen-Videner Blaster model 498, wherrre'd ja get it, Boss?"

"O-oh...." you rubbed the back of your neck at the heavily Russian sounding woman, "Just from an... alien family that adopted me.."

"Zat is good. It's good to stay vith family. Good to have family to depend on. Zis girrrls have bekome of me. I vould die forrr zem. You rrreally inspirrre me Boss. Keep up good vorrrk and know ve have yourrr back." Blast said handing your things back, "Looks like Lab is rrready vith porrrtal. Good luck out zerrre. Kick some ass out zerrre forrr me! You better!Orrr Paint vill, she's little rrraskal. She's parrrt of family too. Ve love her. Even vith her vent crrrawling habits..." she cast a glance at the others.

You nodded with a chuckle, "I will Blast. I'll keep Paint under wraps.. don't you worry!"

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