Chapter 20

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(Art by: @LitillSkrimsli )

You quickly take some hair in front of our scar as you stepped through the portal. You were met by many shocked faces of yourself. You adjusted the grip on your gun.

"Paint and Ram. Make sure everyone knows this place is closed." You instructed as they walked through the portal, "Cat. Back entrance. Devil, make sure any Ricks are restrained. Sun you go with her." The party dispersed as you turned to the shocked (y/n)s huddling away from the closed portal, "Now. Do any of you know me?"

Shakily a (y/n) with short hair and a large curl falling in her face spoke up, "Y-you're the leader of the (y/n) rebellion... M-my Rick was talking about you..."

"Yeah you've totally gone viral!" Yelled a (y/n) with sunglasses that read 'Bad Bitch'

Soon the whole room erupted with shouts and concerns. You rolled your eyes and cocked the gun with a loud 'shuck!' That silenced the room pretty well. You were about to speak again then you heard foot steps running down the hall. You turned to the door to see one of the faces you've missed so much. S...

" 'Es it really you? C-137?" Her familiar accent flooded your ears

You chuckled relaxed, "In the flesh."

You were engulfed in her warm arms. You smiled softly and rubbed her flannel covered sides. She pulled away from the hug and gripped your shoulders.

"Now what in the hell happened to ya and L?" She began to shake you, "What the fucking hell did'ya get yer self into you shit bag!?"

You rolled your eyes, "I am leader of a rebellion S what do you expect?" You giggled shrugging off her hands, "Now stop it your ruining my tough (y/n) facade!" You turned back to the group

"Mk. So where was I?... oh yeah, I'm Boss, head of the (y/n) Council, and I am here to recruit members. Now you don't have to come with us, that is something I'm not requiring. Stay with your ricks if you wish or come with us and rise up against them." You spoke, "Make your choice."

Almost immediately a few (y/n)s walked forward to you and shook your hand. A few were more hesitant but soon came forward. That left two every frightened looking (y/n)s. They clung to one and other there slim fingers threaded together. One was in a large plush sweater her neck covered in a fluffy scarf. The other was in shorts and a cut off sports short shirt showing off her stomach toned stomach. They both practically looked the opposite of the other yet here they were clinging to one and other.

You slowly walked up to the duo, noting the more summer times one red-streaked short hair, and the others blue-streaked long hair, "Um hello." The air was a warm around them, "Might I ask who you are."

"I'm Flare!" Snapped the short haired one her blazing orange flaked (e/c) eyes fixed on you

"I-I'm Chill..." The long haired one replied shyly lifting her white ringed pupils up to you

"Well how's your day?" You asked crouching down

"What's it too ya!?" Flare snapped literally fuming, Chill gave her hand a tight squeeze cooling her temper

You cocked an eyebrow, "So are you gonna stay here?"

Chills pale hand gripped tighter on Flare, "I-I want to stay with Flare... She k-keeps me warm.. But the Ricks separate us... j-just like you'll do..."

You stared between the two of them, "You freeze anything you touch." You said focusing your eyes on Chill, "And you burn, " You said turning your eyes to Flare, "And together you even out the extremes." You smiled gently, "If you guys need to stay together to feel safe, I wouldn't dare break that up." You chuckle and place a hand over you're heart, "Take it from someone who isn't a Rick and got shot in the face. I wouldn't do anything to harm my own people. Come with us and fight against this injustice."

Chill stared at you her eyebrows turned up. She looked at Flare who had furrowed her brows. Chill looked back to you then nodded slightly.

"O-okay, as long as I'm with Flare..." She said standing and pulling Flare with her

You smiled and looked at S, "You coming?"

"Well Duh." She said sarcastically, "You better take me with you."

With an eye roll you called everyone back to the center. You did your tag on the wall and called back home for a portal. When it opened you made sure everyone else was through first then with one last look back you walked through.

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