Chapter 30

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(@Cry_Baby5273 did the art for this chap.)

Breath. Just breath. 

Gooseflesh perked along your flesh sending shivers along your spine. 

In. Out. 


You could hear the gunfire just behind the wall you pressed yourself against. You raised the barrel of your own gun parallel to your face the warm nozzle inches from your nose. You pushed your head back against the wall and closed your eyes for a moment. 

In. Out. 


"Boss!" The (y/n) that hopped up beside you hisses, "Delta Squad is almost in position!" 

You nodded and looked just around the open of the doorway waving her back into place. Just a few halls down you could hear the echoing gunshots. You held back a snicker as a flaming door flew and clashed into the end of the hall. 

In. Out. 


You saw Ram round the corner closely followed by another Delta Squad member. Two struggled around the corner a heavily bleeding (y/n) slung between them. Last around the corner was Devil her thin tail lashing. 

"Stay out of sight." you hissed as Delta Squad made their ways into the room 

You could hear the following Rick's footsteps. You glanced as they laid the injured (y/n) was sat down her body leaving a thick bloody trail. Devil glanced at you as she crouched in front of the trio. You nodded at her. 

In. Out. 

Just Breath. 

You hear the Ricks stop and chuckle and walk in a cocky air surrounding them. 

"Lil' (n/n)s gon' trapped themselves." The lead Rick laughed walking in, the rest of his troop following him their chins held high

Devil hissed loudly covering the other (y/n)s groan of pain. You looked on either side of the doorway and jerked your head in the signal to move in formation. 

"Give in (n/n)! Yous out numbered! and surrounded!" The Rick laughed 

Devil raised a brow, "I'd check again." 

You took the chance to cock your gun standing in front of the doorway. The Rick turned his head.

"Always check yourself before you rickety wreck yourself."

You pushed the ricks through the portal on the floor. you watched as the swirling green pool closed after them. You sucked in a breath and then released it looking over at the Delta Squad. 

"I'll take B-447 back, the rest of you gather what you can then burn this building to the ground." You commanded taking strides over to the injured (y/n) 

You hoisted her arm over your shoulders and started to drag her away shooting a portal and walking through. Nurse was quick to sweep the (y/n) up and to the medical bay as soon as you both stepped through.

"I see you found the Rick outpost." You turned to Morty 

"Yes, we did, thank you for providing us with the location." You ducked your head a little in thanks 

The Morty grinned and walked away. 

He's so suspicious...  But he's a resource you'd rather have on your side than not. It still confused you how a Morty could be so dangerous, but then again. Your the leader of a rebellion of other yous. So you suppose you have no room to talk on the matter. You sighed tiredly rubbing your face. You just wanna go home, listen to your mother complain until her caretaker came to give her soup... you paused to look at the throne.

That's right... You are home... 

"Royalty in a dimension I didn't even knew existed...." You breathed running your fingers through the long side of your hair 

You slowly approached the throne walking up the fixed steps. You ran your fingertips over the fine engravings of the arm of the mighty throne. You hummed when your comm beeped. Reaching up and pressing two fingers to the unit you turned and marched away from the throne.

"Talk to me."

Triss pov

I grunted angrily glaring across the street to the lights flashing under the seam of the garage. Its been nearly three years since (y/n) frantically left with the asset and I've been keeping her home ready, just in case she ever comes back. I held out hope for my friend, for my sister. 

I've read and reread the note she still left out in the open when she left and none of them made any sense to me. Well they made sense, but they were the frantic notes of a mad scientist. It made me worried, what was my little (y/n) doing before she left.

I swept through the kitchen and jumped when I heard a clattering in the bathroom. I armed myself with a knife from the block and slowly approached the door. I yanked the door open knife pointed in toward the person in  the room. 

I shouted loudly lunging forward only to get flipped and slammed into the other side of the bathroom. I groaned and sat there pondering my existence.    

"Oh! Triss!" I blinked groggily as I was helped up, "Please don't come at me with a knife!I've had too many of... Them Try to stab me!"

I blinked up at the strikingly familiar face, "(y/n)?"

She grinned broadly, "The one and only!" 

I took her face in my hands rubbing over the bottom half of the scar with my thumb, "What happened to your face!? And your hair!?" 

She laughed softly and pressed her hands over my own, "I could ask you the same thing, your hair's blue!" 

I laughed through it was strained, "Where were you!?"

"That's a... long story."

"I have all the time in the world."  

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