Chapter 12

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(Art by @KieraLlama)

You plopped your self down on the floor as soon as you touched the solid surface. Your ankles you're killing you, hovering for over three hours will do that to you. With a soft thump Butterfly landed beside you.

"Come now Boss we have work to do." She said her voice soft

"Fuck you, you winged beast my ankles need a rest." You grumbled flopping down flat on your back

"I will never understand grounders." She muttered to herself lifting you bridle style in her arms

She began to flutter her large wings lifting both of you off the ground she flew up and met up with Fly, whom was gushing over all the literature on the shelves. You didn't have time to gush your ankles hurt to much, it's like when you've been skating for too long.

"Oh my gosh! The third book in the Dr. Cable series as he explains how the universe works through his sexy literature!!!" Fly squealed and ran her fingers over the spine

"Sexy literature... I've heard only one other person use that term, but it doesn't make it less weird." You said catching Fly's attention, "So where are we??"

"Oh! Sorry I'm dreadfully forgetful!" She chuckled and fluttered in a circle and threw her arms out on either side of her self, "Girls welcome to the Hall of Everything!" She giggled, "Well most things. This is where most university students come to study for their classes, where A.P.A come to test youngsters that they believe may be prodigies, and where scientists like to study!" She spoke excitedly, "This is where I used to study for my AU University exams! There is also someone I know here who knows everything about everything!" She started to flutter away and beckoned you with a hand, "Com'on!"

You looked at Butterfly who offered you a shrug and started to flutter after her. You held onto neck as she followed the excited Fly through this labyrinth of a library. You cocked a brow when you heard the flapping of what sounded like bird wings. You rounded a corner to see Fly throw her arms around a man with a happy shout. The flapping of the mans white wings flattered when he was suddenly wrapped up into a hug. He chuckled and returned it.

"(Y/n)!" He said with a laugh, "Its been all of too long."

Fly giggled a pulled away from him and punched him in the arm, "You know even Rick couldn't keep me from seeing you ya nerd." She laughed

He adjusted his glasses as his deep green eyes darted up to you and Butterfly.

"You've brought a grounder." He stated pushing a few strands of his blonde hair out of the way, "Mind introducing me to your friends?" He sounded kind

Fly giggled, "We perfected to call each other nicknames," she fluttered over to the both of you, "This is Butterfly," the man rolled his eyes, "And this is Boss!" She said ruffling your some of your hair, "Girls this is the librarian, Antiquis Est!" She said happily

Butterfly's brows furrowed her pupilless eyes narrowed, "Your an immortal." She said

Antiquis chuckled, "Well spotted Miss. Butter." He said he flexed his wings a little harder as he hovered in place

"Is that why you look similar to an angel?" You questioned

"No, my parents where just born bird winged and I just happened to be white winged." He said, "Now my Fly won't just bring a couple of strangers here, especially a grounder, just to visit. So what brings you to my library?" He asked folding his hands behind his back

"Oh! Since you've been around for a couple of millennia we thought you would know what this language is and why Boss is seeing it." Fly said pulling your note book from your satchel

She fluttered over to the man and handed the notebook to him. He opened it and his brows furrowed. He read every page you wrote his lips parted slightly ins surprise.

"You're the one who wrote this correct?" He said pointing to you in turn you nodded, "Come with me, all of you." He gracefully turned his wings flaring out slightly

As he lead you he grabbed books off the shelves knowing immediately where they lay. He lead the three of you to his back office. With a sweeping arm he cleared his desk and placed the four books around your little note book. He placed his hands on either side having them support the majority his weight. Butterfly placed you down on the solid floor and you walked over to the desk with a small limp.

"This language is a dying one. No one besides the people who were born there know it, with the exception of me of course." He looked up at you, "And you. All of what you've been writing is almost exactly word for word fairytales from this land." You swallowed heavily, "All the tales are generally one of those read to the young, so explain to me how your seeing these things, don't leave any detail out."

"Well.. everyday for the past month right a four o'clock I'll give these... visions is the best way to put it... and I'll see these words.. it looks like it's on a book page.. and it kinda feels like memory.. yet at the same time it doesn't. It's weird.." you explained

Antiquis nodded pushing a few strands of hair from his face he pressed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose. He flipped open the books and your eyes widened to see the symbols you've been writing there. You looked over to see Fly staring lovingly at him from afar and Butterfly was still behind you her arms crossed neatly over her chest.

"What does this mean?" You asked Antiquis

"It means you are somehow involved with a dying kingdom..." he said running a hand through his hair

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