Chapter 25

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(Art by @TinnyRick)
~Rick C-137 pov~

The attacks have only gotten worse and beyond just mindless grabs for numbers. They've begun to flaunt their power.

First it was a high-tech rick outpost.

Stripped bare off all tech, Ricks, incredibly beaten tied in the corner.

Then one of the most used (y/n) Daycares.

They got video of the whole thing.

(Y/n)s with high tech weapons that out matched our own.

(Y/n)s being in several places at once.

Unorganized (y/n) riots quickly being backed by armed Council (y/n)s.

No one was expecting them to be able to become so powerful in only a few short months.

And at the head of it all...


(Y/n) C-137

My (y/n).

No one else was able to figure it out, but the day I saw her in that mafia house, I knew. I knew it was her.

Only she could properly place and execute such plans.

She was leading a rebellion.

She wasn't (y/n) any more.

She was... is Boss.

I stared up at my own Council struggling to figure out what to do. This public meeting was chaos. Or at least fearful chaos.

Everyone was too quiet.

Every morty wasn't whiny enough.

The (y/n)s that we're here we're too quiet, their eyes gazing too far off to be daydreaming.

This wasn't right.

But it won't stop.

The arguing Council was cut off when the large screen crackled off the screen listing the attacks.

It was black for a moment before it flickered on showing off (y/n), the scar over her eye a now iconic feature of her as a leader.

"Hello~" she cooed with a grin, "I see you all are in a tizzy, but what do you expect when the lowest on the pecking order suddenly becomes the strongest enemy to you."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" A rick snapped angry

"My demand is simple," she brushed some hair from her face, "Allow the (y/n)s to be free and recognize us as a Council."

The whole room was in shock.

That's her end goal?

"ABSOLUTELY not." One of the councilmen snapped

(Y/n) tsked, "Why do you have to play so rough?" She asked a certain cockiness in her tone, "Well we can play rough too."

Almost immediately an alarm went off and a small side screen opened to an important rick out-post being attacked.

(Y/n) shifted and closed the window with a grin.

"Now, you may want to handle that soon, so I'll leave you too it and ask again on another day." She tilted her head cockily, "and maybe you'll be more willing then."

"YOURE FROM THE PRIME DIMENSION!" Someone shouted causing her to freeze


"Only a Prime could be so bold and great a leadership." The same rick stated jabbing a finger at the screen, "You are a Prime!"

Her face held a look I couldn't even begin to describe.

Confusion? Maybe some anger? A hint of realization?

She shook her head breaking her trance and glared at the screen.

"I AM Boss from dimension C-137. And I will lead my people to victory, whether you like it," dramatic pause, "or not."

The video feed cut after that and the room descended into hell.

I felt Morty tug on my sleeve.

"We should go..." he hissed softly looking around at the eyes shifting towards us

Oh, I could only imagine the hell (y/n) was going through.

~(y/n) c-137 pov~

You laughed holding the glass of Dr. Pepper up.

"To a long and lasting Council!" You yelled

"To a Long and Lasting Council!" Came the echoes of other voices

You laughed and took a swig of the delicious liquid in your glass.

Though what the Ricks had said troubled you.

Prime? What is this Transformers?

You weren't a Prime... were you?


You chuckled at the loud celebration of smiling(y/n)s and good cheers.

It's nice to see them this way. Dancing happily singing in different tones causing the whole sound to go off key.

Moments like this were pleasing as a leader.

It means your doing well.

Your people have a chance to actually be happy.

But the turmoil in where your truly from is torturing you, like that really good online fanfic that is well written as has a great plot, but they haven't updated and you need to know what happens next.


I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

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