Chapter 17

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(More art by allet_inome102 )

You swallowed heavily as you soothed another (y/n) of her worries. She wrapped her four arms around you then walked away. You sighed your brow furrowed. You watched the soft skip in her step.

Your comm crackled in your ear and you pressed two fingers to the device.

"Yes?" You asked softly

":;Could you come to the science wing please?;:" L's warm voice spoke over the comm

"Sure thing." You muttered cutting it off

You started the silent walk down to the room. Each (y/n) you passed waved at you with a smile. You stopped at the doors of the science wing. You held your hand near the wood with a shaking breath you collected yourself and pushed through the doors.

You quirked a brow at the sene you walked into. L held a violin between her chin and shoulder. Fly looked better but still had dark bags under her eyes.

"Why have you called me?" You asked closing the door

"... So Fly and I have noticed how down you've been recently.. So we've decided to try and cheer you up..." L said fiddling with the bow of the violin

"So just sit back and listen.." Fly stated gently pushing you onto a stool

Fly gave L a thumbs up and she pressed a button on a radio and the first note drew put across the empty room. Flu hummed along as L raised the bow ready to play. To your surprise Fly began to sing.

"I know it's all you've got to just, be strong..." she looked up at you, "and it's a fight to keep it together, together... I know you think your too far gone.."

You looked at L as she drew a note across the violin. Her eyes were closed as she let the music flow through her. Your attention turned back to Fly as she continued.

"But hope is never lost..." she looked directly into your eyes, "Hope is never lost.."

"Hold on don't let go.. Hold on don't let go.." L sang softly she continued to play

"Just take, one step, closer... put one foot in front of the other..." Fly sang softly, "you'll get through this... Just follow the light in the darkness.." Fly took a step closer to you, "You're gonna be ok.."

"I know your heart is heavy from those nights... Just remember you're a fighter, a fighter..." Fly crossed an arm over her chest, "you never know just what tomorrow holds.. And you're stronger than you know... stronger than you know.."

Your eyes tears up as you listened. You watched L dive into the music as though it was her very heart and soul.

"Hold on, don't let go... Hold on, don't let go..." she sang softly

"Just take, one step, closer... put one foot in front of the other..." Fly sang, "you'll get through this... Just follow the light in the darkness.." Fly closed her eyes her brows knitted you could faintly see tears welling in her eyes, "You're gonna be ok.."

"When the night is, closing in... Don't give up and don't give in!" Tears were blurring your vision, but you watched as Fly sang her voice rich, "this won't last, its not the end, its not the end... you're gonna be ok.." Fly opened her eyes and looked back at L her movements fluid and relaxed, "When the night is, closing in... Don't give up and don't give in!" Fly looked at you see you were on the verge on crying, "This won't last! It's not the end, it's not the end!" Fly fluttered over to you and wrapped her arms around you, "you're gonna be ok...."

As the last note was played you were crying. You couldn't stop, this was one the of the nicest things anyone's ever done for you. You broke down right then and there and pulled Fly closer to you and allowed all of your worries and doubts come out. The hot tears stung the still healing scar on your face but you could careless, right now you just needed to cry.

"Heh... it's nice to know that people think I'm not failing as a leader..." you spoke your voice hoarse

"You're the best thing that's happened to the rebellion Boss... You're the best thing in my life." You grew more choked up at Ls kid words

"You're the one Butterfly sacrificed her life for. You've got to be worth something in her eyes.." Fly said

"I never asked anyone to die for me.." you said wiping away the tears with the heel of your hand

"I believe it was you who said something like, Revolution involves death.. eh something like that." Fly shrugged, "And you helped us realize that other (y/n)s are going to die and we don't have a say, but we can give them a reason they fought for and died." Fly squished your face in her hands, "Boss you inspire so many people that they are willing to lay down their lives to keep their freedom, and you've done soo very much. Just know your appreciated."

"You're Gonna be Okay." By Brian and Jenn Johnson. Man I was surprised when I couldn't find any songs that said like "you're doing ok" but I found this sweet song so enjoy /\ video up there.

Hope ya get noticed,


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