Chapter 13

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(This adorable art is by @PeachyToxin)

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(This adorable art is by @PeachyToxin)

You stared at Antiquis. Your voice seeming to have been ripped from your throat. Your heart dropped and attacked your rip cage threatening to break through. You struggled to regain your breath that you didn't realize you lost.

"W-wha-t?" You asked your voice high and squeaky

"You may have a relative from this lost kingdom, but the question is why did that leave that dimension who knows how long ago and come to yours?" Antiquis asked to seemingly no one

Butterfly poked her head through the office door then closed it fully, "There's a group of people coming." she said

"Quick! You hide under the desk, most flyers tend to not take kindly to grounders." Antiquis said shooing under his desk

You heard the door open as you pulled your knees to your chest you hugged your arms around them. You could hear the muffled voices through the wood of the desk and you couldn't help but remember back to when you were still on earth, to the insanity that ensued in the middle of it how you met your future self. You Couldn't help but wonder if your fully following the path your future self had followed. Well there still isn't any time traveling aliens trying to murder your past self yet.

You quietly shifted into the corner of the desk handing to turn you head slightly to fit better. Your eyes widened when a blade was forced through the wood between your legs and the soft of your stomach. You slapped a hand over your mouth to keep from making any noice and arched your back away from the blade.

You soon heard the door open and close with a loud slam, but you focused most of your attention on not cutting yourself on the blade. Soon it was pulled away and you breathed a breath of relief and saw Fly run around the desk to you. She helped you pull yourself out from under the desk. You ruffled your hair slightly and looked at Antiquis.

"So what did the fuckers that almost stabbed me want?" You asked annoyed and adjusted your collar

Antiquis sighed, "They wanted us to come to a Flight Supreme meeting."

You quirked the brow that you could move, "Flight Supreme? Lettme guess the KKK of arial beings?"

Butterfly gave you a sharp nod, "Except this time they have 'Ground Lovers' and Grounders." Butterfly's wings shivered, "Their gonna de-wing the poor Flyers so they can 'be like what they live' then throw them down a chasm down to where the grounders of this universe live thus killing them."

Fly stepped in, "Their gonna do the same to the grounders 'Giving them a taste of what to good life tastes like.'" She added

You nodded, "Do you think we can save them?" Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at you, "We need all the allies we can get, so we can at least try to help."

Antiquis hummed slightly, "Ya know I could work. As long as we move fast enough we'll be in and out in a few minutes."

Butterfly ran a hand through her short hair, "But we can't carry eight grounders between us."

"We can get the Flyers to, they are 'Ground Lovers' after all." Fly spoke up

"Yeah and I have my hover devices so I should have to be carried." You added

Antiquis nodded, "I have things in back that we can use to help us. Fly, "the (y/n) perked, "Come with me. You two we'll see you at the entrance."

Everyone went to do what was asked. You sat cross-legged on the ground Butterfly standing a few feet from you. You gaze at her beautiful wings. Your eyes traced the large chunk missing from the right wing.

"H-how'd you lose a chunk in your wing?" You asked causing her to stiffen

"An accident when I was younger. That's when I learned my wings were more fragile than most so I didn't have the ability to do as much as they could." She rubbed her hands over her biceps, "It made me realize just how weak and easily broken I am. I promised myself I wouldn't let myself be weak. And I intend to keep the promise. Which is why I trained in a fighting force, why I know my away around a weapon." She sighed, "They didn't accept me into the academy in fear of me losing my ability of flight."

You nodded softly, "So why'd you join the rebellion?" You asked running your calves

"I joined because of Fly." You turned yourself fully to her, "My Rick and I really didn't have a romantic relationship, we more less lived in the same house and slept in the same bed." She looked over to you, "I met Fly the daycare. Or at least one of them. She more less jumped on me when I was reading because I was A-448 and she was A-449 and we were similar." Butterfly chuckled, "Everytime I was at the daycare she'd come up to me and start excitedly talking and I couldn't help but smile at her. She is so smart, she dazzled me when she made a functioning robot out of spoons." A smile played Butterfly's features and her antenna twitched, "Then one day she came in crying a large bruise forming just under her eye. I was furious when I found out her Rick had hit her." Butterfly's nails duh into the skin on her biceps soon she would draw blood, "That's when I decided I had to be her guardian I had to keep her safe. That's why she and I ran away to join the rebellion we heard about." Butterfly sighed and looked at you her brows furrowed, "That's why I joined the rebellion to keep her safe."

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