Chapter 26

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(K so just a lot of lovely fan art so can the lovely lovely artist just say which pieces are theirs so it doesn't make me feel guilty that I didn't properly tag an artist? Thank you.)


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(That's all I got for now and onto the story)

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(That's all I got for now and onto the story)

You sighed shifting your weight from foot to foot nervously picking at your cuticles. You had L help you with this one, she found a location to the possibility of where you'd actually be born.


Most likely to be born.

Either why it had you wanting to piss your pants again.

You swallowed and kicked a waste bin causing it to wabble. L tinkered about with her portal gun for a little too long and it was stressing you out even more.

You breathed a breath of relief and sucked one in of worry when she shot the gun creating a pinkish green portal.

Together you both walked through.

You stopped and looked around, the Prime universe looked like the old campus parking lot?

You ducked behind a car when you heard several familiar voices.

"COME ON (y/n)! THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST THING EVER!!" The voice hollered excitedly

"Well, Triss, if you don't go off on your own with this it will be." You heard your own voice quickly approaching.

You quickly jammed yourself under the car your chest pressed into the asphalt. You watched their shows walk by unaware of your presence. Your eyes widened when one of them dropped something and bent down to pick it up.

That was you!

Not just another dimensions you! YOU YOU!

Or your passed you anyway.

This was the lecture day!

Your brows dropped, that means your gonna get attacked by time traveling aliens...

You jammed your fingers into your comm hoping to hell it would work. Sure enough L picked up the other line.

":;BOSS! Oh thank the lord above!;:" She shouted

"Uh. Ow. L that's my ear." You spoke wincing away from the noise

":;oh yeah sorry.. heh.. Anywho. I accidentally sent you backwards in time...;:" L tried to speak casually

"And why the hell was I taken back in time!?" You asked pursing your lips

":;Something with went wrong with the nanotechnology in the gun, it's made to transport beings different from us;:"

"So it's made for Ricks is what you're saying."


"L? Is there any signals around me? Like aggressive alien ones?" You asked slowly pulling yourself out from under the car

":;Erm let me check... yes, but don't freak out your gun if you tweek a few things can temporarily pause time so you can get rid of the... annoyances...;:"

"Well don't just sit there tell me how to do it!"


"- and the quadratic tri-phosphate formula-"

'Damn! Did I really sound this boring?' You asked yourself slightly annoyed

Your hair was raked down in front of your scar as you leaned back in the chair in which you were sitting in.

You were waiting. Waiting for when they chose to strike. If you remembered correctly.

You stared at the board as past you turned to write on it. You spotted it the way the area moved alike there was soMETHING INVISIBLE UNDERNEATH IT!!

You pulled your gun from your bag before firing the portal gun everyone freezing. You tugged a bikers helmet from his frozen fingers.

With a quick cock of the gun you shot the alien causing blood to splatter like a fly getting crushed under the unrelenting power of a fly swatter

Young you gasped and covered her mouth in shock as the scales of the creature bled to their normal sickly green.

You walked forward doing a three sixty staring at the ceiling. When you turned to yourself eyes wide as though your visor covered was something to be prayed for.

Ooohh this was gonna be one of
Those overly long days that just drag on and on. Like those commercials for anything really, just everything is way too long to be considered normal.

Not to mention the Sunday's that you wanted to be lazy on but only ended up as days you worked harder on.

Well, that's your life now... you chose to be to warmonger so now you have to live like one.

It's awful.

But at least you know that you are your future self.

At least you think so.

You did just steal a bikers helmet.

And also just blasted alien guts onto your past self.

So you weren't entirely sure but you were your future self now in the present... past? Present past?

Ah who gives a fuck!?

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