Twenty-Five: The Ghosts Behind Your Eyes

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Unknown P.O.V

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, no, no no. This couldn't be happening right now. Everything was falling apart. Dammit! If only it wasn't for that stupid Dragomir, Jak, ughhh what a fucking fly on the window he was. Dammit if that little thing was still alive I would personally be ripping him limb from limb. Wait, could I do that? Ooooo... maybe I could.. Interesting.


It was once said that we do not create life, but what we create death. But maybe were all just this drop in the ocean, lost in the suburbans of blue everywhere. Yet that sea is full of life.... doesn't life come out of death? Or is that just wishful thinking? I tend to choose the latter. After all what would be the point in life if everyone ceased to believe, everyone needs to believe in something, life after dead? Something worse after death?

Gah! She couldn't make her mind up, she was torn in believing her true mate, her first mate and staying by the side of her mate now. Why did everything have to always be so damn complicated, like hey you fates out there or whatever give Lyeitan a break, she's working her butt off down here. But of couuuurse nobody listened and Lyeitan was stuck figuring everything out on her own, like always. It was moreso harder as she was having the look after her babies on her own as Dmucai was always out and Maverik was never around anymore, maybe she did something.. Maybe it was something she didn't do. All she knew was that she was alone in the struggle for survival, nevermind if she was constantly surrounded by the privileged suck ups.

They were fake.


How could she be expected to rule a kingdom when she didn't even have peers she could trust!!? All of a sudden, Lyeitan's dispute had turned into fury, blindly hateful rage. One day she would make all these fuckers pay for everything they ever did to her, and there was nothing no one could do about it. She was Lyeitan Úlfur, queen of wolves. She would bring these bitches down singlehandedly, even if she died in the process.

Yes... I know very very short chapter, I couldn't think of what to write, it was only a filler chapter I guess. But we found out what 'Úlfur' really meant :D wonder what that means for Lyeitan.

Xoxox DFI

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