eight: perfection

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Whoo 3 chapters on a night I'm on a role, enjoy my lovelies mwah

Things where going well for Lyeitan, Dmucai talked to her more and see noticed he spend more time around her, she liked it, currently they where on the way to the beach, I know what you thinking, aaaaah sun, well, no Lyeitan's a pureblood and from what shes guessing he's either really old or a pureblood also. She didn't want to dwell on the fact she didn't know him as much as she would like, but he was still here and.. She was falling inlove with him, she couldn't help it he was just so nice and charming.....

The car ride to the beach was long and boring, tough time to time he'd rub her upper leg affectionately, or he'd give her a sweet kiss. Lyeitan liked these small things he'd do. Although she still felt invaded whenever he looked where her scars where, she just had to put up with it, there mates. Mates.... She closed her eyes and rested her head on the window, the small vibrations off the car went right through her body, some would find it annoying, but she found it comforting.


Lyeitan was standing outside on the deck, holding her now bludging stomach that held her and Jak's baby, she smiled as she watched him on the playfing feild with all the little children of the clan. They were playing tag and chase, he was so good with children, she hoped that one day when her baby is born that he will be such a great father, they didn't know if their child was going to be a little boy or little girl, they wanted to keep it a secret for now.


She was tired of people wanting her to be someone she's not, till she was just like them. Her mate had died and she wanted revenge people kept saying "Your a killer now. What would Jak think of the new you?" The words kept taunting her, following her around whereever she went, she just wanted to forget, yet there was a part of her that wanted to kill all the people that were involved in her mates death. She wanted sweet revenge and the bliss of being left alone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of dream~~~~~~~~

Lyeitan got shook awake, she shot up looking around startled, she found Dmucai looking at her curiously "What happened my love" She closed her eyes shaking her head. She heard a sigh coming from him "Alright then". She just got up and out of the car, she looked out to the horizon and gasped, Lyeitan could see white sand that just begged for her to walk upon, and crystalline blue water.

~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~ PLAY SONG HERE

She was having the time of her life, Dmucai has brought a sterio and was currently playing 'Talk Dirty'. It was fair to say she and Dmucai were doing a big share of dirty dancing together. It was something that ahd never been around when she was "alive" so to speak. But it felt great! Sparks would shoot on every nerve ending she had. Damn, can her mate move. His hands her on her waist her hands were above her slightly going around his neck, their bodys moving together to the beat of the music, hips also grinding together to the music. She giggles singing along to it.

"I'm that flight that you get on, international. First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable. Cuse I know what the girl them need, New York to Haiti. I got lipstick stamps on my passport, make it hard to leave. Been around the world dont speak the language"

They laugh, falling to the ground togther as she song had stopped, they lay quitely next to each other. Minutes grew to hours and those hours grew into the night. She looked over at Dumucai "This is perfect dont you think?"

"Yeah this is great" He looks at her and smiles.

Mahaha chapter 8! aww those two are getting so close adorableeee. Chapter Nine coming up soon kiddas

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