My demons hide..[chapter twenty eight]

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Chapter twenty eight••

Addison's POV~

"SLAP!" I slapped her right across the face.

"What the fuck?!" She yelled and jumped over the table making me fall. This bitch!

I fell flat on my ass with her on top of me and she hit me right in my face on my lower jaw so it probably hurt her more than me. The thing that shocked me is that it was an actual punch.

"Hey hey hey! Stop!" Luke yelled as she started ripping out my poor hair.

Josh then pulled her off of me and pulled her back Jake then helped me up and they thought it was over. I launched my body at her and kneed her in the stomach then started pulling her hair like she did mine. The guys on each side started pulling us apart but we were holding on to each so tight they couldn't.

She then kicked me in my shin and pushed my face back so I came around again slapping her across the face 10 times harder. Let's face it I have no idea how to punch correctly and I don't want to do that much damage... her face is ugly enough.

They finally got us apart and we were glaring at each other deeply. Jake put me over his shoulder and I started hitting him all the way out of the restaurant where every single one of our friends followed leaving those two by themselves. He then set me down once we were away.

"Are you okay?" Lindsey asked rushing to me.

"I'm fine." I said lowly brushing my hair out of my face.

"Not you're not! Look at me." Jake said pulling my face up causing me to cringe. I can officially say I've got into a cat fight. "Your jaw is bruised Addison!" He said sharply.

"Blah blah blah." I said back and Clay started laughing and everyone sent him a glare which quickly shut him up.

"Don't act like a child." Jake said.

"Ouch!" I said back.

"How's your shin?" Jake asked.

"No the real question is how is her poor hair!" Kate said making me laugh.

"My hair is fine and my shin hurts a little but it's okay my jaw is in pain but I'll live with some ice." They all nodded and then we left.

Monday and Tuesday I stayed home considering what happen so we could both get sometime to cool down and I could heal my face and leg. So much for perfect attendance that why my moms not worried about me missing school that much because since kindergarten to junior year I've gotten perfect attendance. It's not something I cared about that much but I still thought it was an accomplishment until now.

Everyone visited me one way or another which I was thankful for so I got to apologize. Josh was a little mad at me at first because technically I started it and it was his pretty penny girlfriend but quickly got over it to observe me.

It was now Wednesday and my leg was pretty much normal and I still had a bruise but makeup would cover it easy. I had to go to school today because it's Jake and I one month which is kinda a big deal for us. I wonder what our 1 year is going to be like.

I got out of bed to get ready for school and I decided to go with a different look today. I put my hair into a long braid with long dangle earrings. I put on a long blue skirt that had a white and blue pattern with two slits on my knees that went up pretty high to go with my white flowy crop top. I grabbed so cute wedges to top it off. It kinda looked like a hippy look/ summer look but I liked it. (Picture up top)

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