Rejected you.. [chapter two]

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Chapter two••

Addison's POV~

It's Friday.... five days into the school year and I'm already kinda over it. Although this week has kind of went by pretty fast and nothing interesting has really happen. Just a few glances from Rebecca and those terrible three.... hey maybe that's what I should call them.

The last couple days have gone by smooth, not to much homework but just enough. I happily excelled in school but it's not my favorite place to be. Also dance captain is being announced today and I couldn't be more excited but nervous. A senior going for captain her 4th year in a row should be pretty easy. I was Cocaptain as a freshman and a sophomore then captain as a junior but so was this other senior and now there's only one captain being picked. I've been dancing my whole life and I absolutely love it. As a dancer I can't stand the cheerleaders who stereotype themselves and portray so little of them. We definitely two very different sports. Anyways back to my interesting thoughts.

As I'm walking to my 4th period history with Mrs.Lance I realized I have the class with Jake, Josh and Clay. Great.. just great! My whole mood is now completely down, how could I be stuck with such bad luck? Again I might seem obsessive about not liking them but I just wanted to be as far as I could be from them. The thought of our two worlds colliding scared me.

I walk in and look directly at the boys sitting in a row all the way in the back and quickly move my eyes from the situation so I don't get caught starring. After I kinda blew up on jake I'm honestly surprise he didn't retaliate and try to get me back for yelling at him. Then I realize he probably already forgot so I should just try to stay out of his path so there's no trouble.

"What problems in American life at the turn of the 20th Century did the Progessives seek to reform?" Mrs.Lance asked the class just as a paper came flying and hit me in the back of the head. "Ouch!" I screech even though it didn't hurt at all. I turned around to death glare the person who did this and saw all three of them trying to hold in a laugh... oh yeah like throwing a paper at someone's head is so hilarious.
I look down at the ground and pick up the paper with a message inside, I slowly open it hoping nothing bad would come of this and read it.

"Talk to me after?"

I snickered in my seat.. did he really think I was going to talk to him? I turned around in my chair and ripped the paper three times to prove my point of I don't want anything to do with this boy. How is it that I went my whole life without being bothered by them until now. I see a little relief in Joshes eyes as I rip it.. or at least I think that's what it was. What does that mean?

The bell finally rings after a long period of talking about history and each kid shuffles out of the room to get to the next class but me? I'm stopped. Something hard grabbed my wrist and turned me around.. standing right in-front of me was my all time favorite person Jake. Yay!

"Didn't I say I wanted to talk?" Jake spoke calmly.
Yeah did I not make it clear that I didn't care?

"Look, I have a class to get to and it's way more worth my time then this." I say in a annoyed tone to get his attention.

"I wanted to ask you something love"

Love? Did he just call me love? I don't even know this person and he already thinks he has a right to call me something he would call one of his conquests. "It's Addison, I would really appreciate Addison." He nodded. Woah player can listen. Who would've thought.

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