All together.. [chapter nine]

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Chapter nine••

Addison's POV~

After my incident at the rally on Friday I was kind of maybe beyond embarrassed. I was mad at myself that I did something like that because it's not like me.

I was just told to rest so that's what my Saturday and Sunday consisted of was resting and having my three best friends over for movies and comfort.

Luke was with me most of the time which was pretty good because since school started we haven't really hung out together just us two like we usually do.
He made me food, cleaned up for me, watch movies with me and went on walks with me.

The best thing about having guy friends is that you can talk about so many things without being judged and all the drama and they see it from a different point of view. Other times they are clueless and useless.... I said other times.

Anyways today is Monday and I'm currently on my way to school with Linsey scared out of my mind on how things are going to turn out for me. I have bad feeling people are going to laugh at me and talk shit.
Today I'm wearing some dark denim jeans paired with some brown knee-high boots with a red scrunched top and black cover up. My hair is curled down and I have on some light makeup. (Picture on top)

"Are you nervous?" Lindsey asking me. Really? Isn't that an obvious question...

"Yeah I'm nervous Lindsey! I froze in front of the whole school that's not something everyone's going to just forget about." Aren't friends suppose to help you out? Lindsey always just makes me nervous and calls me out but I guess it's good she says it how it is.

As we pull up to the school everything pretty much looks normal for now. Lindsey and I get out of the car at the same time and start walking towards the school. "Are you ready?" Lindsey asked me in a dramatic tone. I'm not dying or anything I'm just going to get laughed at by high school kids who have nothing better to talk about. "Ready as I'll ever be" I said back to her.

We walk into the school and everyone is looking at me but no one laughs.. no one makes comments... no one gives me a look. I know what your thinking maybe everyone mature and doesn't care but no! That's not true and this is not like this school. Everyone laughs, everyone makes comments, everyone gives looks, everyone talks. It's gossip central here.

I walk straight to my locker to get my notebook for first period math. I'm so beyond confused, how long was I out?

The bell then rang and I was walking to class alone because Kate and Luke were already there. Someone then stepped in front of me with black heels... oh god. I looked up to see Rebecca Jones my forever best friend!

"What do you want?" I say in a sleepish tone. It may sound rude but everything that comes out of her mouth is rude. She gave me the dirtiest look and looked me up in down is disgust. See she hasn't even said a word and it's already rude.

"Jake may have saved you this time with everyone else but don't think your off the hook that easy with me. Losers don't deserve anything especially ones who choke." With that she pranced away. Wait Jake saved you this time? What does that mean.

During math class I wasn't even paying attention to what was going on around me all I could think about was what Rebecca meant by Jake saving me. She definitely didn't know that I had no idea what she was talking about or she wouldn't have said anything. Then it all clicked!

"Addison?" My teacher said in a louder tone. Uh oh.. what did he say?

"Yes?" I said innocently.

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