All good intentions..[chapter twenty two]

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Hey guys update each day•• Hope You Enjoy!

Xoxo -E

Chapter twenty two••

Addison's POV~

After my latest encounter with Rebecca I went to all of my classes and focused on school for the first time in forever. I've been so busy worrying about my friends, dance, Jake and my new family I haven't been that on top of school. Don't get me wrong I still have my perfect grades but all my As are almost Bs.

That night I had another dinner with my mom, Dane and Daniel. Again it was really nice they are really good people and I'm just so happy my mom found someone like that. After dinner I took Daniel for ice cream for some bonding time he seemed to really enjoy it. I guess being the only child at age four couldn't be that fun.

He liked being with me which made me like being with him so much more. He's sweet and funny but also has a super cute attitude. I could definitely see him being my little brother but we only met a little bit ago so it's to soon to tell.

Wednesday I hung with all of my friends at school but after school we had an extra long practice because we need to learn new material. Then on Thursday I hung out with Luke and the girls at Luke's house to work on homework and just hang out just us. Like old times...

That means it's now Friday which makes me very happy. Something that also makes me happy is my date tonight with Jake. He asked me on a date yesterday with flowers at lunch. He's the cutest. I also have no idea what we're doing much to my disappointment. He's the kind of guy that loves surprising me.

All I know about the date is to wear a swim suit... also much to my disappointment. I know deep down inside I have a good body because I dance but I'm still insecure. I have to get over it because he's my boyfriend and he's going to see me in a swim suit one way or the other. Maybe we're going swimming, or the beach or .... water park? Nah. I'm not sure.

Anyways I should stop thinking about it and get ready for school so time goes by faster. I get up to do my morning routine I first shower then put my wet hair into a braid. I apply some light makeup like usual and brush my teeth also putting on my daily girl appliances. My outfit consists of black leggings a white crop top with black flats. I'm not sure why I picked legs because I'm pretty sure it's going to be hot but leggings are light.

I run down stairs to just see my mom making me some toast, gosh she's a good mom. That's one of my favorite thing waking up to see my mom making me food even though I'm 17 it's something I won't forget when I'm older and also always be grateful for.

"Hey mom!" I greet with a smile.

"Hey honey, you're running a little late today so take this to go and give some to Lindsey as well please." My mom says sweetly buttt what? I'm not running late. Then the sound of Lindsey car rings through my ears and I get up and walk out the door while saying bye to my mom. Guess I was running late... mother always knows best.

I get in the car while handing Lindsey a piece of toast. "Ooooo thank you Addi or Addis mom I'm guessing." She said laughing I also laugh along because it's true.

"Gosh you know me." I said back with a smirk.

"Better than you know." She said back with a goofy smile. I just nod in response.

We pull up to school and just as I'm about to open the door someone else does instead. My gorgeous boyfriend opens the door with a big smile. "Hey love!" He says with his jaw dropping smirk.

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