You ain't nobody..[Chapter twenty nine]

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Chapter twenty nine••

Addison's POV~

He then quickly brought his lips to mine kissing me sweetly and pulling my head to him with his hand. What the hell?! I then pulled away with all my strength spitting on the floor.

I then heard a loud bang of someone slamming the table and getting up making my attention direct there.

"Your dead!" Jake said in a deadly tone.

"Your on." Matthew said back not a tad bit scared.

They both charge at each other about to break out into a fight when our teacher pulls the fire alarm grabbing everyone attention because she knows she won't be able to stop it. "Everyone out now!"

Everyone starts walking out of the classroom but the teacher then says "you two boys stay and behave or I will expel you myself!" She was not happy I'll tell you that.

I stayed on the other end of the door hiding so she couldn't see me but right in place so I could hear well.

"What the hell are you idiots doing? About to start a fight in my class! I don't think so." She spat out both boys silent. "Over what a girl?"

"My girlfriend!" Jake states.

"My ex girlfriend!" Matthew states.

Both very true statements.

"A girlfriend your ass lost because you're a douche!" Jake said. Also very trueee.

"You'll do the same in time knight! Players are always players." Matthew says. Ok well I don't like the thought of that.

"Yeah right pussy! I'm nothing like you." Jake said.

"More then you'll ever know." Matthew said back. Oh god I hope not.

"I need some popcorn right about now." Mrs.pillar says causing both boys to look at her with a dumbfounded expression. "What?" She said innocently which made me laugh cashing everyone to look. I quickly hide behind a pillar from Mrs.pillar... see what I did there. I think it worked.

"Mrs.Wabash? What a lovely surprise!" She said grabbing my hand and taking me into the classroom. Oh great! This is perfect just perfect.

"Hey babe!" Matthew said with a smirk.

"Call her it one more time and I'll take off your head." Jake said in a very threatening tone that even sent chills down my spine.

"What are you doing here Addison?" Jake says not very happy... hey what did I do?

"That's no way to talk to a lady Knight!" Matthew hisses.

"Don't tell me how to treat my girlfriend you man whore." Jake said.

"You can't use that when your exactly the same." Matthew says.

"Can I have permission to hurt him?" Jake asked the teacher and the teacher automatically shook her head no. Ugh! That would have been pretty funny but this is getting a little to violent for my taste.

"So Addison who do you love?" Mrs.pillar asked. What?! What teacher would ask that... both boys turned there heads towards me waiting for an answer so I did what I do best. I quickly get up and leave the room! Later losersss.

It was now after school and Jake and I had plans because of our one month that happen to be ruined by the amazing Matthew. I then felt a buzz and grabbed my phone. 

Pick you up at 4:00 love! Forget about the other things going on today it's our one month.

This actually made me very happy to know that Jake is mature enough to not let Matt ruin it. Yes Matt that's what I've always called him it's a lot easier than Matthew... right?

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