I see it now..[chapter forty five]

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Chapter forty five••

Addison's  POV~

As I was leaving the dance they gave out our pictures we took before but I didn't even look at mine. I kept it in the folder and went home.

I set it on my desk leaving it there and not even giving it a glance. I slide of my dress and went right into the shower. I washed my face and body and scrubbed all of tonight off. Why can't anything be normal?

When I was done I got dressed in my pajamas and brush my hair and teeth. I walked over to my bed and left my body to flop onto it and go into a deep sleeping washing away into my dreams.

I woke up that Sunday morning feeling a little goofy. Probably because I'm still confused about what happen with Josh. I went a took another shower basically just to wake me up.

When I got in I sat down on my shower floor and thought about everything... every word he as said, the feelings that have been floating around but for some reason I can't set my finger on what's happening.

That's not enough...

That's not enough....

That's not enough.....

Ringed through my head over and over again... what the hell does that mean?

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me walking over to my speaker to play some music while I got ready for the day. I plugged in my iPod and played the song "What do you mean" by Justin Bieber. I know I know weird right...

"What do you mean? ooh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? hey
When you don't want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you're running out of time
What do you mean?
Oh oh oh what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?" Justin Bieber sang...

The song played loud through my speaker while I put my hair into a fishtail braid still in my towel. I then washed my face with morning burst which automatically made me feel better. I walked into my closet to look for an outfit grabbing a blue jean skirt that buttons up with a white silk shirt on top. I added some white slip on vans with it.

I then walked over to my mirror and put on some makeup. First I put on some of my eyebrow pencil to darken my brows and then I grabbed my eyeliner to add a slim rim. After I put on some mascara and finished with chapstick. Very casual.

I then walked back over to my speaker and a song by Drake was playing but I changed it back to the song, icon song "What do you mean" by Justin once again.

As I was playing the song I was really listening to the lyrics taking in each and every word he was saying.

I then saw a yellow folder/envelope on my desk remembering it was our picture. I walked up and grabbed it and sat back on my bed. I opened it and pulled it out revealing a very cute picture.

I was looking at it closely. I was smiling into the camera leaning my body towards his comfortably while he was standing up straight looking down at me with a little smile like I was the most magnificent
thing he's ever seen. I could see his eyes sparkle....

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