Jealousy gets me..[chapter twelve]

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Chapter twelve••

Addison's POV~

———————————————————————————I felt his hand slide up my leg up into my dress tugging at my underwear. I wanted to scream. How did I get myself in this situation.

The door then banged open and I saw a very angry Jake. Brad was pushed off me and I heard a few punches. 30 seconds later Josh came in and picked me up off the bed and brought me away from what was going on. He carried me all the way to his car. That's all I remember until I was dead asleep.

And that's what you call a heartbreak blackout...

I open my eyes and then quickly shut them because of the bright light shining on me.

"Good morning sunshine" said Luke.

I opened my eyes again and saw his goofy face smiling at me I couldn't help but laugh. Just as I laughed I heard a huge bang in my head that was the sign of a very bad hangover. I groaned so loud that probably my neighbors heard it.

"Here you go" Luke said handing me pills and a big glass of ice water. "Thank you." I choked back as I was very thankful for him.

"What happen?" I asked his face got nervous... why?

"You should probably take a shower first and get cleaned up." Good idea! I thought in my head. With that I just got up and hit the shower I took a long hot shower soaking all the alcohol and sweat away.

As I leaned my head against the wall with water hitting my face everything started coming back slowly. Chugging bear, Jake and Rebecca, dancing, Josh and the swing, drinking more, dancing with somebody, Brad... oh my god what happen with brad?

I quickly turn off the shower and dry myself off. I put on a pair of black shorts and grey tank top on. Then pulled my hair up into a pony tail... the process was painful with a bad headache. I then ran down stairs to see Luke, Kate, Lindsey, Josh, Clay and Jake all with guilty expressions on there faces.

I slowly walked down all the stairs and sat on the love seat across from them. Let's cut to the chase! They are not going to sit and look at me like this with no words.

"What happen?" I said. No answer.... everyone was looking at each other to see who would answer.

"Don't look at each other! Look at me!" I snapped. Did something that bad happen that no one could say it?? Did I have sex with Brad?

"What do you remember?" Lindsey was the first one to speak.

I wasn't going to let Jake know he got to me so I said everything but anything about him. "Uhh I remember chugging bear, getting more drinks with clay, dancing with Luke and then everyone, sitting on the swing with Josh, getting more drinks, dancing with Brad, being carried up the stairs, Brad and me kissing me.. that's it. So can someone please fill in the blanks for me." I said nicely and calmly.

Kate looked around and then started talking. Damn looks like all the girls have the balls. "No one could find you so we were all worried... Jake came down when everyone was looking for you so he started asking around and someone said you went up stairs with Brad. Jake then rushed up stairs and Josh followed behind a little bit." She stopped and looked at Jake.

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