My everything..[chapter forty seven]

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Chapter forty seven••

Addison's  POV~

It's been a week since Josh and I started dating! All the guys forgave Jake and they have been sending the occasional hi back-and-forth throughout the week. I'm really happy that everyone is getting along I kind of felt like I was the reason everything was falling apart and it wasn't fair to me or anyone else.

I would do anything to make everyone happy again no one should have to be falling apart because of one mistake. I realize what he did was wrong but it's been a while now and everyone needs to eventually move on because let's face it happened to me and I already have and right now I am happy as ever.

Today is Saturday which means there is no school which also means today is my official first date with Josh that I am so excited for. I'm not sure what we're doing but I know it's going to be pretty hot outside even if it's inside I decided to go with a very cute dress.

Anyways I just rolled out of bed and hopped into the shower to wash my body and get ready for a nice full day. When I got out of the shower I washed my face really good twice so I can make sure I had clear skin for a clear day.... okay that sounds kind of cliché, anyways I brushed my teeth and every day girl morning appliances.

The girls then came over to help me get ready for this magnificent day that was planned... why do guys always feel the need that they need to surprise us? I am not sure I understand why guys think girls cant handle knowing before it actually happens. I feel like it's some sort of stereotyping.

"How many dates are you going to have Addison? I'm not sure I can handle getting you ready for any more." Kate said which made us all laugh.

let's face it it's very true. I've been on quite a few dates lately.

"Kate shut up she's happy and she would help us if we had dates to!" Lindsey said.

"Wait but that's the problem, Lindsey you don't go on dates and I'm sort of wondering why.." Kate said.

"This is not about me this is about Addison! Leave me and my love life out of it." Lindsey snapped.

"Oh my gosh are you seeing someone Lindsay?" Kate asked.

"No I'm not!" Lindsey said.

"You totally are!" Kate said back.

"Guys I hate to break this up but back to me!" I said while laughing because that sounded a little bad.

"Okay let's get you ready!" Kate said while looking me up and down.

Kate did my makeup and Lindsey did my hair...

Lindsey put my hair into a slick back ponytail and added silver loop earrings. Kate did my makeup like normal only adding gorgeous purple eyeshadow with a wing. She then put on some pinkish red causal lipstick that matched with everything.

"Okay go get dressed rock star!" Kate said pushing me into the bath room.

I put on a white dress that had slits on my stomach and a gold hoop in the middle. It went down little ways on my arms. It was cute and causal. (Picture up top)

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