Pulling the charm.. [chapter five]

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Chapter five••

Addison's POV~


After that text from Jake I went home and thought about it the whole ride home. Did he really think I was gorgeous? Shut up Addison it doesn't matter!
Ugh what am I doing? Why am I thinking about him. shut up!

It's a beautiful Tuesday morning now and I'm still thinking about yesterday. Maybe there can be more to a guy then just looks and tricks.... then I think about his track record and say nah maybe not.

After I did my morning routine I got dressed in black ripped shorts and a red cropped hoodie paired with red chucks. I just pulled my hair up into a pony tail considering I don't have time to do anything to it.
After I was done eating I heard a honk and skipped out the door like I do every morning except it wasn't Lindsey waiting for me...

It was Josh.

He offered to give me a ride today and sense were restarting our friendship I wasn't going to say no.

"Hey Josh!" I said with a big bright goofy smile on my face.

"Hey beautiful" He said back while pulling out of my drive way. I felt a blush appear on my cheeks and immediately looked away.. well what was that?

Trying to change the subject away from my face I said "How'd you bathroom?" I said very fast. Wait... did I just say bathroom? Oh gosh I meant sleep what am I doing!

"How'd I bathroom?" He said repeating me and laughing.

"Yeah I meant sleep".... I said a little embarrassed.

"I figured. I slept like a baby" he said happily.

"Well I slept like an adult!" I said trying to make a joke but completely failing but the look on his face.
I don't think he got it. Get it baby.. adult? Oh who am I kidding I'm not funny.

He then started dying laughing. What the heck? Was it funny after all. "Was that a joke or were your serious?" He asked in a curious tone. "Maybe a little bit of both" I said to try and play it safe.

When then arrived at school and got out of the car together and walked in together. Everyone's eyes were on us. What was going on? We're just friends. Then I feel something pulling on the back of my head and it was Josh pulling out my hair tie and letting my hair down. "Hey! What the heck man?" I said pretty loud.

"It looks better down." He said with a wink and snapped my hair tie. Poor thing..  For some reason that action made me smile very big inside.
He then walked the other direction to his group of friends while I walk towards mine. As I turn around I see a glaring Jake looking straight at me. Well what did I do now?


During lunch I was sitting with my friends eating lunch in our area by the water fountain on campus like we do every single day. We were talking about this project we got in math that was due next week. We could only have one partner so I decided to let Kate and Luke be together and I was with Josh. Pulling me out of my thoughts was a buzz on my phone I looked up at it and saw a text.

Hey love, come to the library;)

"Hey guys! Jake just told me to go to the library" I said to my 3 bestfriends.

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