The rush in paradise..[chapter thirty one]

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Chapter thirty one••

Addison's POV~

After we all ran down to the water everyone skinny dipped and messed around. It wasn't a sexual thing at all it was just friends having fun but as you can assume Jake tried to have his fun. No. After awhile the guys got out to get us all towels and then we just showered up and got ready for bed.

It was us three girls in a bed but it was a very big bed. I feel like we haven't had a sleepover in forever even though I know we have. Luke came in for a little and we watched a movie until we were tired. Then the house was completely silent and everyone was a sleep. Almost.

I couldn't sleep for some reason... I just laid there staring at the ceiling forever but of course eventually I drifted off but only for a little bit because I woke up at 4:30am. I decided to put on my blue bathing suit with a sun dress over and let my hair down in waves. I grabbed a soft blanket and made a cup of coffee then went outside to see the sunrise.

I just sat there hearing the waves crash on the shore and the sound of the outside setting while watching the sun slowly rise above the ocean. It was beautiful to say the least. I wouldn't mind seeing this everyday.

That's when I hear a creek on the deck and turn around to see Josh coming towards me. Don't be weird. Don't be weird. It was a friendly kiss for a game Addison. "Hey Josh." I said quietly since it was still super early.

"What are you doing up?" Josh asked curiously.

"Oh ya know the sunset." I said with a small smile I didn't want him to know I couldn't sleep for some reason.

"Couldn't sleep either?" He asked.

"No." I said looking down because I was basically caught in a lie.

"It's okay I didn't get much sleep so I guess I decided to come do the same thing as you." Josh said.

"Come join if you would like." I then realized.. Megan.. "Wheres Megan?" I asked sweetly even though I don't care much for the evil girl.

"Oh she's still sleeping." He said and I just nodded in return. "Look I know you guys don't like each other it's pretty obvious and I'm not sure why but she's my girlfriend and you're one of my best friends and it sucks. I wish that you guys could just get along."

All things he's said before.. but has failed to mention it's not me. He's talking to the wrong girl about this.

"I know and I've tried but for some reason she doesn't like me and I have no idea why. I never did anything well at least I don't think." I said back.

"She's usually so sweet and nice. I've never seen her be mean, she's fun and beautiful and around you I mean I just don't get it." Josh said with a sigh.

"You really like her don't you?" I asked with a bad feeling in my stomach which I'm not sure where it came from. He stiffened and scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. "Yeah I do." He finished.

Why did I want the answer to be different? I want my friend to be happy... what's wrong with me.

"How's things with Jake?" Josh then asked breaking the silence.

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