Was always you..[chapter forty six]

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Chapter forty six••

Addison's  POV~

I never realized any of it but I knew it was there. I see it now completely crystal clear for this first time.



"I'm in love with you."

"I'm completely in love with you too." Josh said back.

I flung my body to him hugging him while he stood up and spun me around like some cheesy movie. He then stopped and set me down.

"I'm so sorry for not realizing sooner!" I said while kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry for not confessing when I did realize." He said back.

"When did you know?" I asked curiously.

"I think part of me has always known but never would admit it. When Megan and I broke up she actually made me realize." He said which shocked me.

"Oh wow." I said back.

"I know." He said.

"I don't know where this leaves us..." I said while looking anywhere but in his eyes.

"Addison Wabash will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I looked up right away and said "Josh Stantton I would love to be your girlfriend!" I said.

We then leaned into each other and kissed... fireworks are going off everywhere.

I'm in love with my my best friend... Josh Stantton.


It was now Monday morning and I was wide awake.
I woke up extremely happy like nothing could go wrong. Josh was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend and that's all I cared about.

I got up and jumped in the shower quickly washing my body then did the rest of my morning routine. I decided to leave my hair natural so I blowdried it and then added up my usual make up while playing the song "I think I'm in love again" by Kat Dahlia.

I ran to my closet and picked out a pair of blue jean ripped shorts with a grey tank top and matching jean jacket. I thought it looked cute and causal. Of course finishing the look with black converses.

I went down stairs to talk to my mom and eat breakfast. "Hey mom!" I said with a smile.

"Hey honey! I feel like I haven't talk to you in forever." She said with a small smile.

"Nothings happen you know the usual mean girls at prom, Rebecca getting prom queen with Jake, Josh becoming my boyfriend, senior year almost over, college around the corner." I said returning her smile.

"Well that's a lot.." she then stopped and thought.. "wait slow down? Josh is your boyfriend!" She said in a very happy tone.

"Yes he is." I said back with a smile.

"I liked Jake but he wasn't Josh! I always knew it was going to happen as well as the girls." My mom said back.

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