I wanted you to be..[chapter sixteen]

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Xoxo -E

Chapter sixteen••

Addison's POV~

When I looked up I saw a very hot Jake standing before me. I looked down right away. It hurt just to look at him.

"Look at me Addison" while saying that he stepped  closer lifting up my chin. He continued by saying "let me trying something." He was so close I couldn't think, talk or move so I just nodded.

He bent his head down and pressed his lips to mine.
Tell me this isn't happening right now.... again!

It was different than last time, I kissed back. I didn't push him away or step back I just kissed him and it felt good. He then pulled away and I put my forehead to his mouth. We were both breathing pretty hard even though the kiss wasn't that rough.

"I'm sorry for hurting you Addison, I did it because I was mad I know that's no excuse and I can't take what happen back but I want to try." He said softly.

I sighed loud and said "You can't just do reckless things and think an apology with solve everything. Apologizing doesn't mean anything when you keep doing the thing you apologized for. I can't trust you.. you've showed that to me over and over again."

He took a step closer while saying "Why try to push me away? I don't understand why you keep doing this." He said with a deeper voice than the last.

"You can't push someone away who was never there in the first place Jake." I said looking down not daring to look him in the eyes after saying that.

"What does that even mean Addison? " He snapped back.

"Nothing Jake! I just can't go there with you and you have to accept that. We don't work... you don't work. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish right now." I said back.

"Trying to accomplish? Now you're looking at this whole thing like game. Why can't you see I made a mistake here?"

"Because... because I know you'll keep making it." I said putting my hands out and making motions because clearly he wasn't understanding.

"You don't even know me so don't act like you do!" He snapped at me.

"That's what I'm saying I don't know you and you don't know me! I only know the things you're capable of and the things that I don't want to be around! I shouldn't have to explain that to you, you should just accept the fact that a girl finally doesn't want you for once." I said sending him a glare.

"I don't buy that for one minute Addison!" He says back.

"What don't you buy?" I huff back. Why is he so complicated.

"If you didn't want me or like me or whatever you want to call it you wouldn't have gotten jealous over me with Rebecca. You wouldn't even be having this conversation with me right now."

"You don't know anything knight!" There I go using his last name again.

"I'm here for you now what the hell is wrong with you that you won't just let me?" Jake yelled. I'm surprised a teacher hasn't come in yet.

"No you're not! You've been sleeping with Rebecca and kissing every girl in the school!" I said under my breath.

"I DONT WANT REBECCA!" He yelled in a hushed tone.

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