Chapter 20

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Lacey's P.O.V

Logan and I are offically broken up. I called off the wedding. We're just fighting too much. I don't even think Yasmin and Kendall fought this much over what they wanted in the wedding. Kendall just gave her what she wanted and Yasmin was happy with that. I just wish it was the same thing for Logan and I. But, we just kept fighting over what we both wanted in the wedding. So, I went on Twitter and called it off then called all the people we invited and told them about the wedding being cancelled. Some of the rushers are happy and some are them are sad. We're still currently living together but, I told him that I would be moving out in the morning. He didn't really take it so well..

"Why are you suddenly wanting to move out? We cancelled the wedding. That doesn't mean we still can't be together.."

"Logan, If we're fighting over something like that, I don't think we should live together. Just imagine us living together if we fought everyday. I love you and all but, I just feel different about us now... Like we should start fresh.."

"What are you trying to say, Lace? You want to offically break up?! Because I won't let that happen. I love you way too much to let you go, Lace. You have to understand that. That's why I want to marry you and have a family with you. That's how much I love you. It'll break my heart if we break up for good. I just love you so damn much, Lace."

"I understand that, Logan. But, you also have to see where I'm coming from. I want us to be together. I want us to get married. I want us to have kids and take them places. I want to be cuddled up to you when we're watching movies. But, I just think that if we're fighting all the time that.... we shouldn't be together anymore.. If we're fighting over the wedding, what's next? I don't want us to end up hitting each other because we didn't get our way with each other. I love you too it's just.. I'm having second thoughts..."

"Wait.. What do you mean by you're having second thoughts..."

I sigh and try my best not to look at him. It fails because he turns my head so I'm looking at him. I look down at my hands quickly and sigh again.

"I don't love you... I love Kendall.."

A/N Here is the ending to the first book! The second book preview will be posted soon! What did you guys think of the ending???? Comment!!



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