Chapter 11

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When Logan pulls into the driveway, Sarah gets out right away. We just dropped off Kenzie. Sarah is a little mad at me because Kenzie couldn't come home with us. It's not my rules. It's Dad's rules. Sarah needs to realize that. I get out and Logan gets out after me. We both walk inside and see Dad sitting on the couch watching Breaking Bad. What is up with that show?! I don't get it!

"Ooooo! What episode are you on?" Logan asks. He knows dad's on netflix.

"Season 2 Episode 6." Dad says, smirking at my expression I have on my face. I just shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I grab an apple and a bottle of water then walk upstairs. Katelyn's already fast asleep which is weird because Dad is always sleeping when she's sleeping. Hmmm. Something's fishy here. I shrug it off and walk into my bedroom.

Logan walks up half an hour later and looks at me. I'm slowly falling asleep. I glance over at him,

"Well, Look who finally came upstairs to see his girlfriend." I say, smirking.

"Seriously. This family smirks way too much." He says. "But, Yes. Your dad finally kicked me out of the room when I spoiled what was about to happen.." He says, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I see.." I say, nodding.

Dad comes up minutes later and looks at us.

"Logan, you should go. Lacey has a bunch of things to do tomorrow, including watching Sarah." Dad says, looking at me then Logan then me again.

"What?! I thought Kenzie's mom was going to watch her. I was going to go shopping with Kendall, Yasmin and Logan." I say.

"Lacey.. You know we talked about this. Kenzie's mom cancelled because Kenzie had a last minute singing audition for a broadway play. So, You're stuck watching Sarah. Katelyn and I have some things to do tomorrow so, you have to cancel your plans with Kendall and Yasmin. Unless they all come over here and you guys watch a movie with Sarah. But, let Sarah pick the movie. Nothing scary, Okay?"

I nod then sigh.

Logan waves bye to me then walks downstairs and out to his car. Dad walks downstairs minutes later, sighing.

I stand up and look out my window, watching Logan pull out of the driveway to drive away.

I'm just sick of babysitting Sarah.

I walk over to my closet and grab a couple of suitcases. I start shoving things into the suit cases then set my alarm for 4:45 A.M then crawl into bed. Maybe I can just go live with Becky..

~4:45 A.M~

I get up out of bed then turn off the alarm. My suit cases are already in the car. I climb out the window after making my bed to make it seem like I'm still sleeping in it. I get into my car and drive to Becky's. I get there around 5:15 A.M. Becky walks outside, yawning.

"Girl, What the hell are you doing here?! It's 5 in the moring!!" Becky says.

"I uh.. I'm running away from home. Can you do me just one favour? Pleeease!!!!" I beg.

"Fine. I'll hide you from James. But, if Logan finds out that you're here, he'll tell James and you'll be in HUGE trouble!" Becky says, grabbing my bags then walks inside. I follow her after locking the car. Shit.

"Uh. I'm going to have to park the car in the garage..." I say.

"I'll get Austin to do that." She says.

"WAIT. Austin Mahone's here? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I scream-whisper.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise... But, he's upstairs wide awake if you want to go introduce yourself to him." She says, smiling then yawns.

I walk upstairs and look at Austin. Damnnnn. That boy is fine. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! You're dating Logan, remember??

I sigh and turn to walk downstairs when he looks up and notices me.

"Hey, You must be Lacey. Nice you meet you. I'm Austin Mah-" I cut him off

"I know who you are! You're like my favorite YouTube singer besides Megan Nicole.." I say.

He laughs,

"Megan Nicole is cool. I've met her a few times. We have a single coming out that we wrote together.. You should listen to it." He says.

I nod,

"Yeah. Maybe I will." I say.

He smiles.

"So, uh. I heard you were going on tour with us.." He says.

"I am?" I question.

"Wait. Becky never told you that you have a chance to sing with us on stage?" He asks.

"No. She didn't.. Neither did Logan.." I say.

"Well, You are." He smiles. "I'm glad you are." He says.

I smile,

"Well, I'm sure it will be fun. 2 girls and 5 boys." I say.

"You forgot about your sister. She's coming too." He says.


I fake smile,

"Awesome" I say.

"Well, I should proably go unpack. I'm staying here for awhile.. I'll see you around.." I say, walking downstairs.

Becky looks at me and smiles.

"Hey girlyyy!"

I ignore her and bring my things upstairs. This is basically the only place I can stay right now. If I stay with Logan, he'll make me go back home. I just know it. And, I can't go to Maddie's house. She hates me..

To: Maddog

From: Lace

Hey Maddie,

It's Lacey.

I know you're probably still mad at me but just hear me out... I'm really sorry I didn't take you to that concert. I just feel so bad.. Please forgive me. I need a friend right now and you're the only one I really have... Besides Yasmin. But still... I need you in my life.. Please. forgive me.

I set my phone on the table beside my bed and start hanging up clothes in the closet then put some in the dresser. I hear my phone buzz. Shit. Dad.


Where the hell are you?! Get your ass home now! I know you snuck out to go over to Logan's and when I find you there, you are soooo grounded! Also, you are not allowed to date him anymore. Logan's changed since you guys started dating. He's really turning you into a bad kid.. LACEY MASLOW GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW. I MEAN IT.


I sigh and don't bother texting back.


Dad is coming to your house to look for me. It's hard to explain... Just don't say anything about me being at Becky's... I'll call you later and explain it all...

Love you...

Lace. :)

That should give him time to leave. Becky walks into my room and looks at me.

"What's wrong with you?!" She asks.

"What's wrong with me?! Oh uh. Nothing. What's wrong with you?! When were you going to tell me about me going on tour with you, Austin and the guys?! Huh? Austin told me himself since you never told me! I just can't believe you.." I say, looking at my phone as it buzzes. Logan. Great.

I slide decline on my phone and continue folding clothes and putting them into the dresser.

"Oh... That.." She starts. "Lacey look I'm sor-"

"Save it." I cut her off.

"Oh, And, when I get my own place, We're no longer friends.." I say.

A/N Here's the update I promised my Twinsie! Enjoy!

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