Chapter 14

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Lacey's P.O.V

Brooke texted me and told me where she found Zach. I rushed over to the location and got out of my car. I heard Brooke yelling at Zach and Zach yelling back.

"Let him go or so help me I will beat the living crap out of you." I hear Brooke say.

"Haha. Yeah right. Like Brooke Hyland would lay a finger on me." Zach says. "What about Nolan? I thought you guys made a deal about you not threatening other guys." Zach is smirking. I can tell. I look around, trying to look for Logan when Brooke spots me. She nods her head towards the bushes and thats where I run.

"Yeah well. Screw him. I don't really care right now. Let the poor man go, Zachary.." Brooke says.


"Logan? Where are you?" I whisper.

"Over here." I see him raise his arm and I make my way over to him. He looks at me.

"Why in the hell would you run away from home?! God damn it Lacey. You had me worried.."

I sigh and look at him.

"Logan, I know. I'm sorry. Just please."

"Too late.. I already told him.. He's out looking for you.. Probably at Becky's right now.."

"Logaaannnn!" I whine.

"You realize that I won't be able to go on tour with you now!? I'll be grounded on the bus until the tour is over..." I say.

He sighs then grabs my hand,

"We can talk about this later. Right now, we need to get out of here without Zachary knowing.."

"Oh, I already know." Next thing I know, Zach has my arms behind my back. I look over and see Brooke tied up with bruises on her cheeks.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER YOU FUCKING MONSTER?!" I scream. "BROOKE. BROOKE." I scream. It's no use. She's passed out.

"Oh nothing. She didn't listen to me so, I just you know. Put her to sleep." He says, smirking.

"What's with the bruises then, genuis?" I say sarcasticly.

"Watch it, smart mouth." He says.

I bite his arm and he screams in pain.

"Lacey.. Don't." Logan looks at me then shakes his head.

Zach smacks me across the face and I scream in pain. That's when Brooke shoots her head up and kicks him from behind. She already untied herself somehow.. Maybe she wasn't really asleep..

She unties me then Logan then we all run to the car. Zach gets up and grabs my leg which makes me slip and smack my head against the ground. All I remember is Brooke, Logan and someone else saying my name over and over again before I blacked out.

~An hour later~

I wake up and see that I'm in a hospital.

"What the fuck am I doing here?! I need to beat the shit out of Zach!" I say, sitting up.

"Easy Tiger. Take it easy. Zach's in jail." Brooke says.

Yasmin and Kendall walk in.


I giggle,

"I'm sorry.. Brooke needed help getting Logan back and.. Zach just grabbed my leg and I slipped which cause my head to smack against the cement.." I say.

"It's okay.. By the way.. You're dad is in the waiting room with Katelyn and Sarah.. Sarah's crying her head off.." Yas says before walking out. Kendall walks in next and looks at me.

"You know, you won't be able to sing with us for the first couple of shows..." He says, sighing.

"I know." I nod my head. "Oww."

"Careful..." He says. "Anyways, I'm letting your dad come in now. Get ready for a lot of yelling."

Dad walks in and looks at me.


Oh boy.

"First of all, I always HAVE to take care of Sarah. Second of all, Zachary is my crazy ex boyfriend that I keep telling you about and THIRD I HAVE NO CLUE!!" I say, screaming the last part.

Dad sighs,

"Lacey, I'm sorry. I guess I should give you more responsiblilty when it comes to you being with Logan. I trust you guys.. I mean, you're 18 and he's 19.. You're be responsible enough to come to me and Katelyn when you guys have problems.." He says.

"I know.. I should've just told you that I feel like you don't think I'm responsible enough to be out with Logan alone.. We're not going to do anything stupid. I'm not having any kids until we're married." I say, smiling.

"You're not having kids until you're 60 and you're not getting married until you're 85."

"DADDDDDD! I want to WALK down the aisle. Not wheel down it in my wheel chair that I'll have when I'm 85." He laughs.

"Aww. I'm just kidding, Pumkin.. I'm sending Sarah in here now. We'll wait. The doctors have to talk to me anyways." Dad walks out and Sarah walks in.

"Do you hate me, Lace?"

"Aww.. Sarah. I don't hate you." I lift her onto the bed.

"Then why don't you want to spend time with me?"

"Because I want to do my things. I can't take you to a club with Logan and I because you're not old enough.. You're only 15. You have to be my age."

"Aww.." She pouts.

"Hey, You know what? As soon as I am able to get out of here, We're going for ice cream. And, I'll talk dad into taking Kenzie with us on tour.. Okay??"


~8 hours later....~

We're all on the bus, ready to go to our first stop. Texas. It was Logan's idea to go to Texas first because he wanted me to meet his mom, dad and his sister. Plus, his cousin was going to be there. And, she really wants to meet me.

"Everyone ready?"

"YES!" We all scream.

The bus starts moving and I lay my head in Logan's lap then close my eyes.

He kisses my head.

"Night, Sweetie" was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a deep sleep

A/N 1042 words! YAY!!!! Enjoy!!


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