Chapter 16.

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The boys are on stage singing right now. I'm back stage watching them, running around on stage and being goof balls. I turn around to walk to my dressing room when I see Becky and Austin making out. OMG. That is just... Eww.

I shake my head and walk towards my dressing room. Becky sighs and follows me.

"Come on, Lace. Forgive me. Maddie's pretty much dead now! She's been in a coma for over 3 months now!" she says. I look at her,

"What the fuck did you just say?" I ask her. "Maddie is not dead! Josh saw her smiling. It means something. This is why we arent friends! You've been jealous of Maddie ever since 2nd grade! I just can't believe you said that!!" I say, walking into my dressing room and slamming the door. I hear a sigh then Austin talking.

"I should go get ready to perform.. The boys are coming off stage and the show's almost over..You shouldn't have said that to her, Beck. If you were really her friend, you wouldn't have said that about Maddie." Austin says. I hear a couple of knocks on the door before the door opening.

"Go away, Becky. I'm not in the mood. I know she's still alive." I say, trying not to cry. She hurt my feelings towards Maddie. She's not really dead.. She can't be! Josh said that he saw her smile and hell, I believe him! Josh Hyland NEVER lies. Well, Except for when it comes to choosing between Maddie and Chloe. He has feelings for both of them.

"It's not Becky.."

"M-maddie?" I turn around and see Maddie standing in the doorway. She smiles and nods.

"I was going to surprise you after the show but, it seemed like you really need someone right now.. Like a friend? Look, I'm sorry for calling you names and such. I already said sorry to Sarah and she's forgiven me.. But, Lace. I need you to forgive me.. Please. Anything it takes." Maddie says, looking at me.

Dad walks to the door and looks at me.

"5 minutes till you have to be on stage, Lace. You better get ready." He says. I nod and he walks away.

"Maddie, I forgive you. There's just so much going on right now that I can't think straight." I say, shaking my head.

"Hey. Let's forget about the past and start new. We'll start our friendship over. We'll go to Starbucks and catch up on what we've missed over the years.." She nods. "Get ready. You have 2 minutes until show time. Good luck, Girly."

"Wait. Madds.." I say.

"Yeah, Lace?"

"Help me pick out something to wear." I say, smiling. If I remember correctly, Maddie has a mad fashion taste for clothes. Her and Chloe would always help me pick out clothes for me to wear to school.

She nods, smiles then walks over to the closet.

"You look amazing, Lace. Good Luck. We'll talk after, Okay?" I nod and Maddie walks out.

"Ready, Lace?" Logan says, looking at me. I nod and we walk to the stage. He stops me and looks at me.

"Don't be nervous. There are MILLONS of fans that love you for you. Including me. Don't change just because of a few haters. Be yourself Lace."

"You sound like my mom.." I say, giggling.

"Wait, Katelyn or..?"

"Katelyn" I say, giggling.

He laughs and kisses my head.

"Good luck, Lace." I grab the microphone and run on stage. The crowd cheers in excitement and Austin runs on stage minutes later, getting louder screams.

Worldwide *BTR, Becky G, Austin Mahone* *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now