Chapter 8.

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There's an hour until Yasmin comes over.

Kendall and Logan still haven't shown up.

My phone buzzes.

It's Kendall. Well, Finally!

Hey Lace. Logan and I will be a little late. If Yasmin beats us there, just stay calm. Lock the doors and close the curtains. We'll come through the back. I know that James and Katelyn went out on their date so I'll text James and make sure they go through the back in case they come home and see her sitting on the steps. If you have to, open the door. We can do the surprise party at my place. She'll never know. Unless someone tells her. *cough, cough* Logan. We all know that he'll open his mouth and spill it. I'm surprised he's kept it quite for this long. He hasn't even talked to her at all today. It's pretty impressive. ANYWAYS, We're just at the mall getting a gift for my lovely girl. We'll be home soon. HOPEFULLY. Love you, Cupcake.


Well then. I can't just lock her out! She's my best friend!

Hey Kendork. It's Lacey. Just got your text. Umm. I can't really lock her out... SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!.  I'll just take her out to Starbucks and you can text me when your place is ready. Make sure that James and Katelyn know that we're switching places. And... BTW. HOW DA FUDGE DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?!

Love you Kenny.


-sigh- I guess I can quite with the decorating. I walk over to the front door and lock it then close the curtains like Kendall said. I'm not wanting to lock her out but, it's going to have to work. Then my phone buzzes again. One from Kendall. One from James. One from Yasmin and One from Becky. I open Yasmin's first.

Laacceeeeyyy! You finally got a phone! I saw your tweet. Haha. Anyways, James decided to give me your number. I just thought I'd text you and tell you that I'm on my way to your place. Becky's coming with me. Shee has your number too now. Uh... She might be texting you soon. Anyways. Text me or Call me when you get this.


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Girlly! Haha. Yup! I have the best dad ever! haha! Well then. -_- Maslow is goin to get it when he gets home. Just kiddin'! Girly, We're going to Starbucks instead of coming to my place first. Change of places. Sorry. I'll meet you there in 10!


I open James' next.

Hey, Lace. Kendall told me about switching places... We're totally fine with that. We can just come back home after. Kendall needs some time with her anyways. Love ya. We'll be at Kendalls in 20 minutes. See you then!


Hey Dad. Yes. I finally called you dad. Okay. Well.. Becky, Yasmin and I will be at Starbucks for awhile. So, see you in about an hour!

Love ya!!


Next, is Kendalls.

Haha. Very funny. You had to knew that James gave me your number. haha. Anyways, Logan and I are done and we're headed back. We'll see you after your Starbucks run. Yasmin told me. Haha. Have Fun and pick me up my usual pleaasseee. *puppy dog face* Hahaha.

Lovve ya Cupcake!


Haha. I love you too Kendall. Okay. Will do. Does Logan want anything? I'll just bring him a cupcake. xD He'll enjoy that.


Last is Becky's.

Hey Lacey. Congrats on your phone! Haha. Yaz told me. We'll be at Starbucks soon. See you then!


Hey Becky. I'll be there soon. You, Yasmin, James and Kendall keep texting me. Haha. I keep getting replies from Kendork. He's so annoying sometimes. URGH! I can't believe you have to share a bus with him! Haha. I still wish I could go with you guys. ANYWAYS. Kendall wants his usual and Logan wants a cupcake. xD Okay. So he doesn't really want a cupcake cause I never asked him but just get him a chocolate covered cupcake. He'll be happy.

Love Ya.


Once I'm done replying to everyone, I walk upstairs and get ready. I walk outside and start walking to Starbucks when I see him. Him as in my ex-boyfriend. Zac. Oh God.

Yas, I need help. Zac is in town again... I think he wants me back... Meet me in the back alley in 5. Bring BECKY. Please hurry.


I start walking faster than I was before. He starts to follow me and I turn the corner and run down the back alley to find Yasmin and Becky standing there. I hide myself between them and look down at my feet. How am I going to explain this to James and the boys?

A/N So. Here's chapter 8. :)




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