Chapter 7

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Today is the day. It's finally the day when Yasmin turned 17. I've been waiting for her to turn 17 ever since we were 5 years old. I remember the day we met. It's like it was yesterday. We were both in the same kindergarten class...


Today is the first day of kindergarten. I'm really scared about starting school today because I won't know anyone. My mom stops me by the door way and hugs me tight.

"Bye sweetheart. Have a good day, Okay?"

"Bye Mommy. I will." I say. She lets go of me and walks away. I stare at the doorway, not wanting to go in. But, I know I don't have a choice.

I look over and see another little girl hugging her mom.

"Sweetie, Promise me that you'll be yourself. Please? Don't act like someone you're not. Someone will like you for you." Her mother says, kissing her head.

The little girl sighs,

"Okay, Mommy. I'll try." She says.

"I love you sweetie. I'll be back after school to pick you up." Her mom walks away and the little girl walks over to me. She looks at me,

"Nervous?" She asks.

I nod my head.

"Yeah, Just a little bit." I say.

She nods and giggles,

"Me 2." She says. "I know. Let's go in together." She says.

"Okay. But first, My name is Lacey." I say, holding out my hand. She smiles and shakes it.

"I'm Yasmin. But, You can call me Yaz if you want." She says.

"Okay. Let's go."

We both walk into the classroom and pick a table to sit at. Once we sit down, we start talking untill the teacher comes in.

We both tell each other our likes and dislikes. We have a lot in common.

~End Of Flashback~

Ever since that first day of Kindergarten, Yaz and I have been together through everything. And, I mean everything. In grade two, I got bullied. She knocked the guy out within 2 seconds. I giggled at how mostly everyone stayed away from us because Yaz was so overprotective of me. Then, in grade four, I got bullied again. That's when I started moving into foster homes. I then moved to New York City. My sister Sarah was born 4 months AFTER I went into a foster home. Sarah eventually joined me and I had to raise her all by myself. I was 7 years old at that time. Then, in grade eight, It happened again. It was so bad that I started cutting. That's right. I cutted my arms in grade eight. I couldn't take it anymore. That's when Sarah and I moved into our 3rd foster home. And now, James is our 4th family. I just hope he likes us and doesn't ditch us on the street or anything.

"Hey Lace. When is Yaz coming over?" Katelyn asks.

"She should be here around 2. Sarah is going out with her untill we're ready for her to come here... Why?" I ask.

"Just wondering. Are you going to be okay alone?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, James and I were going to go out for lunch before she came over. We might be back by 2 we might be back by 3 or 4." She says.

"Okay. I'm sure we'll be fine." I say.

"Okay. That's good. If you have any problems, Just call. I'm sure James or I will answer when we can." She says.

"But I don't have a phone." I say.

James walks in and smiles,

"We thought you could use one. So, we went out last night while you and Sarah were in the backyard with the guys." He says, haning me an iPhone.

"Seriously?! OMG. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" I hug him then Katelyn.

They both laugh,

"You're welcome, Lace. Have fun. Remember, Call if you need us. Kendall and Logan should be over soon to help you set up some more things. Katelyn and I will be back soon." They walk out.

Okay, Lacey. You've got 2 and half hours untill Yasmin comes over for her birthday surprise. You can do this. You can do this.

A/N Okay, so. This was a little bit about Yasmin (@1DGurl18) Because well... SHE'S MY ONLY TWINSIE ON HERE SO I HAD TO INCLUDE HER. Plus, She's making me Logan's Gf in her story. SO BE JELLY PEOPLE.



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