Chapter 5.

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James Maslow. Out of all the guys I thought would adopt my sister and I, James Maslow turned up. He's famous, though. I don't want Sarah and I getting hate from fans and such.

He smiles at us and Sarah runs up and hugs him.

"Are you here to adopt us?" She asks. He looks down at her and smiles.

"Why yes, Sarah. I am. Becky told me about you girls. She seemed to tell the truth. You guys seem really nice" He smiles at me.

I lightly smile back. Then a blonde haired girl walks in and stands by his side.

"This is your 'Mom', Katelyn. I've made plans for you and Katelyn to go shopping later on, Lacey." James says, smiling.

I nod and smile,

"Sounds Fun" I say. Sarah starts pouting.

"What about me?" She pouts. "I wanna go shopping too!"

"Sarah, You can hang out with me, Becky and the rest of the BTR guys. Okay?" James says, crouching down to her level. She smiles and sticks her tongue out at me.

"HAHA. I GET TO MEET THE BTR BOYS AND YOU DON'T!" Sarah yells as she runs upstairs.

I shrug and walk upstairs. Sarah is already downstairs by the time I come down. Katelyn is helping her into the car while James comes over and takes my bags.

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of you. We're not going to hurt you. I promise." James says.

I nod and get into the car, sitting beside Sarah.

This is the beginning of my new life and family with Sarah.

A/N Here's an update for you guys! Enjoy!



Worldwide *BTR, Becky G, Austin Mahone* *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now