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I was too certain, our lives would soon go back to how it was and I can't wait for that day to happen. Seeing her smile at me the morning after the incident, I thought everything will be okay. I thought the rough days were finally over and that we can start anew. But yeah, I thought wrong. It's been three months since Gab got out of the hospital and I still like to believe that she gets better with each passing day. Her wound has healed shortly after her discharge but the emotional pain and trauma; it's something Gab had to deal and struggle with. Worst thing is it's straining our relationship.

The first few weeks were painfully dragging with Gab blaming herself for William's death. After knowing about everything he's been through, it's good to say that Gab had a change of heart. In the end, she realized that William is family and knowing that truth makes it difficult for her to accept what she had done.

I remember that night at the hospital; Gab told me how she wished to turn back time and maybe changed things as they were. She was saying too many things; most she had no control over. I can see the sorrow floating in her eyes as she spoke about it and how I wish I can bestow that power; but I'm no superhuman and it's something we can't do anything about. It's done, and now we're experiencing the aftermath.

Facing Dolores was another issue Gab had to surmount; with the guilt inside her chest eating her up day by day, she was becoming a different person; distancing herself to her family and worst to me. Although, she knew in her mind that what she did was right and everyone can agree to it; her heart says otherwise. It breaks my heart seeing Gab lose her old self in the process of accepting things as they are now. Right then, I knew it has to stop. I tried to talk her out into meeting Dolores, thinking that it might help her; but she'd make up 10 kinds of alibis for the 10th time I had asked her. So I stopped and thought about giving her more time. Maybe she isn't ready to face her yet; maybe she feared for its outcome. Gab had told me once, "I took away her son. I took away their chance to be together again. I took away his chance to be a better son, a better person"

Gab was blaming herself and the longer the days went, the more troubled she becomes and it's something I just can't sit and witness. As much as I'd like to give her the time she needed, I also can't because in this case, time isn't unlimited. One day, I dragged her out of the pent house and took her straight to where Dolores was staying for the meantime, at an apartment in Calumet. Gab didn't have the slightest idea where I was taking her, and a clueless Gab is a mad Gab. She hates not to be in control. Basically, the entire drive consisted of complaining and whining, but I didn't give a shit; I know something must be done.

When we got there, Dolores was shocked too like Gab. She didn't expect the person she opened her door for and for a moment my heart felt like it was going to explode. I didn't know what's gonna happen and I mentally slapped myself for making such a rash decision. My head was a mess and I was thinking of the things I should've done. I thought that maybe I should've gone to her first to see how she's doing and maybe ask her how she felt about Gab. But yeah, regrets usually come in the end.

They locked gazes and I was expecting things to take a horrible turn, but then it didn't. Dolores embraced Gab in her arms and a seemingly confused Gab hugged her back as she broke into a helpless cry. I offered to give them time to talk but Dolores insisted for me to stay. Gab asked for forgiveness as she wept and Dolores returned it with a weak smile. She says it was hard but she knew she had to accept and understand things. She even told us that maybe if she were in Gab's shoe that time maybe she had done the same thing, to protect the people she loved. "We do things even out of our nature for the ones we love". I remember her say that.

We walked out of her apartment with Gab feeling so much lighter. She told me it felt like a long and sharp blade has been pulled out from her chest but this time, it didn't left her bleeding and that at last, she can breathe again. She was almost tearful talking about it on the drive back and I look at her from my seat and realized that what I did isn't something I should regret about. If anything, I should've done it sooner.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now