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I could hear sirens wailing from afar, honking cars and chattering noise of people passing me by. Weekend! It should be a typical Friday night where you look forward to ending a busy week and finally spending time with your loved ones. At this hour, we could've been cozying up in my living room, warm mugs of hot chocolate in our hands watching the busy street of Chicago down below.We'd talk about how our day went and we'd get serious at some point; I would joke around and we'd laugh and for sure we'd have some steamy kisses in between. Then we'll probably end up in bed making the most of our time together, and we'd fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her.

What a concept.

I had that in mind; I was close to doing just that. I was so down for it, been aching to do it since morning. But I was late. I could've gone there before they took Lexi; could've stopped them from taking her away. But I wasn't around. I failed in protecting her, and now she's gone.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, letting out a long sigh. I sucked in cold air feeling the expansion of my lungs and the pain that followed. I am completely fucked up. What am I going to do now? I thought to myself as I shred each piece of information the cops have told me a few minutes ago. Everything they said was helpful but not having a definite lead on Lexi's whereabouts, I would like to think they're all useless. I know I shouldn't take it out on them because nobody wanted what happened. The blaming game is just so tempting although I knew better. Then I felt hands on my shoulders and when I opened my eyes, I saw my lifesaver peering back at me.

"We'll find her, I promise"

Max assured looking through me while I stand here helpless as ever. I believed in him no questions asked, he has proven enough but thinking about how dangerous William is, I couldn't help but think worst. I didn't say anything and just offered Max a weak smile. He nodded back and patted my back. He knew better than forcing me to talk more. I can't say anything that will help finding Lexi anyway. I wasn't of any help, I was useless. God so much for self pity!

After a while, Max disappeared. He was busy taking and making calls, giving orders, keeping his promise to me.

Soon, Officer Reid arrived with two other men I've seen at the hide out before. Max greeted him and seemed like gave an update to what had happened. Then I saw a familiar face trailing in from behind. She's walking towards my direction and even from afar I knew how worried she was. I've seen that look thousand of times.

"Oh Gab!"

She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly while I savored the warmth her presence brought. At this point, my friends' presence and support is helping me get through. Then Liv pulled away staring straight into my eyes.

"She'll be okay. Max will find her. I assure you that"

Then she hugged me again before leaving.

"Just a sec Gab"

I look over at my shoulder and Max was waving at Liv to come. I remained standing without uttering a word. I told my self to be patient. I wasn't in panic when everyone else is expecting me to be. I should be hysterical, yelling at these poor cops for failing to do what they're paid for. But I wasn't. I was calm. While throwing a fist at every single stupid undercover bastard is tempting, I decided to save my energy.

I am completely aware that Lexi is missing and at the same time I know I should be looking for her now, saving her. But where do I start? With all the security cameras around the area down, what should be done? Especially knowing that Will will never make it easy for me, saving her will require much, my life maybe but finding her will be tricky. I'm sure of that.

Liv came back with Max after a while and the next thing I know, we were inside his car driving somewhere. I did not ask anything at all and remained quiet. I don't know where we're going or why we're going there. Again I was patient but every second of silence I was silently praying for Lexi's safety. I know Max and Liv noticed the oddity in my behavior and I was thankful that they aren't pressing me about it.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now