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I stirred In the bed when I felt feather light kisses trailing down my upper torso. I thought I was only dreaming but then I heard someone calling my name in a very raspy bedroom voice.

"Lexi, hey wake up"

I opened my eyes which was a struggle because I am still too sleepy and I felt my muscles wobbly, but that quickly changed when I saw Gab hovering over me in all her glory and uhm, naked. My eyes widened and I can't help but bite my lip.

"What time is it Gabby, and why are you naked?"

I snapped in surprise althought I wouldn't really complain. Can mornings get any better than this?

She broke out into a good laugh before settling her gorgeous gaze on me.

"Uhmm let me think about it. Okay, it's 30 minutes past two o'clock and I am naked because we just had a mind blowing sex a few hours ago and right now I wanted to make love with you.. again, yeah that's about it"

Gab finished her spiel and I find it too funny and silly that she had to say it out loud but yeah, she had a very accurate description for it, mind blowing.

"Seriously Gabrielle?"

I smiled arching my brows at her.

"Uhm yes? Is there a problem with it?"

I quickly shook my head in disapproval. Of course there wouldn't be a problem with that, never!

"Good, but first we need to eat. I'm starving"

Then she rolled over and pushed herself out of the bed. The lights were not completely off, just dimly lit and my eyes feasted on her body as she walked around the room naked, looking for her undies. I watch her as she put her black undies on and I can't help but swallow hard. She was so lean and just by merely staring at her, I can already feel the aching between my legs. Gab turned to face me and a smile quickly crossed her face when she realized that I was checking her out.

"Hey. I might melt with the kind of stare you're giving me"

Then she moved closer and pulled me out of bed. She pulled the sheets and snugly covered me with them. Then she caressed my face, gently tucking loose strands of hair behind my ears. Gab is still naked except for her black undies while I was draped in a white blanket, also naked on the inside.

"I'm sorry if I have to wake you at this hour but I'm starving for food and most especially for you"

She whispered and instantly I felt the heat radiating off of our bodies and yeah I was smiling like an idiot. I couldn't help but giggle and I think it's too cute and sweet of her. I wouldn't mind being up at all.

"Let's go sexy"

She held my hand as we walked out of the room and went to the kitchen together. Gab pulled a stool from the counter and made me sit on it. Then she kissed the top of my head before heading to the fridge.

"This won't take long promise"

Then she started checking the fridge for something to eat and found a pint of yogurt that made her eyes sparkle in joy and excitement. I sat on this barstool, wrapping myself with this blanket while shaking my head. I can't help but be amused to what I'm looking at. Gabrielle Ervy, CEO of Ervy Realtors, one tough ass chick but yeah going gaga over a pint of banana yogurt.

"You want some?"

She asked putting a spoonful inside her mouth. I waved her off and enjoyed seeing the child in her which was very rare. Gab is a very playful person but the pain she's been through has changed her and right now I'm just beyond happy to see that she's changing into her natural self again.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now