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There are two types of pain, the one that hurts you and the one that changes you. The worst thing is, I've caused Gab both. It was pain that changed her and it shouldn't come as rocket science if she's acting like this. I've hurt her with the things I've said and maybe it was her way of coping up. Maybe changing was the only way. I've tried to rationalize her actions towards me and I can say that I understand where she's coming from. But I'd be fooling myself to say that it's okay or that it's fine, because quite frankly, seeing her like this cuts my heart deep. I feel so helpless. I want to mend every wound, every scar I've caused her, but I was sure, she wouldn't let me.

I can tell her that it was her father who told me to push her away. I can come clean and maybe turn things around but it would be unfair to put all the blame on Mr. Ervy, after all those uttered words were mine. I chose to say those words, I chose to hurt her even thought I did it for a reason.

I slumped in my chair as I thought about the incident that happened back at the conference room. I did not like the way Gab talked to me, let alone the way she thinks of me. I'm not that kind of person and I don't use my position to favor anyone. I'm just helping out a friend.

In this business, to be connected with Ervy Realtors was like a golden ticket to success and I was just trying to help William out. Will and I have been friends for quite some time now. We first met at a trade launch and my colleagues introduced me to him. He's a nice guy although he seemed to be too confident that it's mistaken as being arrogant. We met a couple of times whenever there was a business expo or any gathering related to our work.

Over the years, William has been trying so hard to get a spot in the company. He'd send business proposals; he'd propose deals, discounts and everything just to get him in. But unfortunately he couldn't make it to the list. Every year he tries to apply again, with high hopes of being one of the company's high profile suppliers, but unfortunately, his paper always ends up in the shredder. However, Walt Builders has also proven its name over the years. His father William Walt Sr. spent all his life flourishing his company and his efforts paid off. Walt Builders, even though small, has managed to be known in the industry. When William took over six months ago, things went a bit downhill for Walt Builders.

I heard they were losing clients for some reasons and I guess this is the reason why William is very adamant to obtain a spot in our company. If Will is lucky to make the cut and everyone in the industry will know that they're doing business with Ervy Realtors, then it would mean more clients for them. Being a friend and a colleague, I also want to be of help to him, but that's about it, nothing more. So it's perplexing how Gab was acting. Did she think that something was going on between William and I? And if so, does she even care?

It was 30 minutes before 12 o'clock and I was pulled from my thoughts by my growling stomach. I am starving because I never eaten anything for breakfast. I woke up late and was already rushing for work the moment I got out of bed. I stood from my table and noticed the files that were supposed to be submitted to Mr. Ervy.


I was itching to leave the conference room that I forgot to submit them. I stood from the table and decided to drop the folders in his office and maybe get something to eat afterwards. Monday really sucks, much more when you and your boss have a lot of issues towards each other. I opened the door and walked my way to his office, I mean, to her office. Mr. Ervy's office belongs to Gab now. I was contemplating whether to go inside or not and immediately thought about asking Daphne to take them inside instead of me. But I was few steps away and I saw something that intrigued me. Gab and Liv were standing on the hallway, just outside the office. I don't exactly know what they're doing because Gab was facing her back to me covering Liv. I watch Gab place her hands on Liv's shoulder and I think they are talking about something, but it's inaudible from where I stand.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now