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Gab decided to stay beyond working hours in her office. Liv had gone out with Max and has texted her a million times asking her to drop by at a nearby cafe for dinner. Her phone was ringing nonstop but all she did was stare at it as it vibrates against her desk. A faint smile formed her lips, she can picture Liv clearly in her head right now and she's nothing close to patient. She shook her head and stood from her desk. She slid off her blazer and started unbuttoning down her shirt. She felt so tired and her thoughts were a total clatter that she needed something to calm her nerves. She walked over to the counter and fixed herself a drink. She started pouring herself some more and moved towards the glass window. Gab's gaze remained fixed on the city lights below as her hand continued to swirl the drink inside her glass. Her jaw tightened when she thought about leaving for Paris tomorrow. She didn't want to go. She thought it was reckless to leave the company in the middle of crisis and with a potential danger waiting to happen.

The findings on the investigation confirmed that the cause of the collapse was indeed the weak foundation of the building but Gab did not believe it at all. She hired an agent to look into the case because she was suspicious, not only with the engineer who took responsible for the incident but with inspector Jacobsen himself. With Max's help, they tracked the man's record, they asked several police assets and they were surprised to find out that Jacobsen was a protector of illegal works around town. Gab did not care about his filthy activities at all, but she couldn't understand how the man easily concluded that everything was an accident. The engineer confessed that they did not follow certain procedures to make the foundation as strong as it should be and his statement only strengthen Jacobsen's theory that it was a mere accident and thus it paved the way of closing the case.

Gab thought it was ridiculous. She was there at the site, she had supervised their progress and she knew everything was done rightfully. She just can't understand why Engineer Thompson was telling a different side of the story now, so even though she did not want to, she had the engineer fired. He was not doing what is expected of him causing several lives in danger and Gab can't tolerate such negligence. Gab protested to close the case without further investigation but Jacobsen assured her and Sullivan that it was a mere accident and there was no foul play to be considered.

Sullivan decided it's best not to dwell on it and focus on the Buoyguese project instead. But Gab has something on her mind. She's up and running an investigation. Max helped her to find an agent for the job. The agent placed himself undercover as a construction worker and spends most of the time at the site. Reid, the hired agent has asked few questions from people around the site. Some said they felt a strong shaking below the ground that they thought there was an earthquake while others heard something like an explosion but they couldn't pin point where the loud thud was coming. They all assumed that it was just the building that collapsed a few meters away. A homeless man who happened to be around the vicinity at all times noticed a black SUV parked few meters away from the building. He said that it was the first time he saw the said vehicle and after the building collapsed, it was gone as well. These findings only made Gab more suspicious. She strongly believed that someone is behind this and she's not going to stop until she gets to the bottom. Gab decided not to tell her father until everything is proven. She knew that it would worry him and she doesn't want to add on Sullivan's growing number of concerns. Besides he's officially retired. Gab thought her father needs to have a break for once.

She downed the clear liquid in one swig and felt the burning sting from her throat. Gab is starting to grow worried. She tried to talk his father out in going to Paris but there was nothing Sullivan could do. Reneé Buoyguese personally asked her to be there.

"A week, what the hell am I gonna do in Paris for an entire week?"

Gab let out a sigh turning to the counter to refill her drink. She thought about getting too drunk and wasted for her to miss the flight but then she thought that it was silly and immature. They had a private plane. All she needs is a snap of a finger and voila, she's in Paris. She shook her head and took another drag of her drink. When she was done, she shook her head looking at the now empty glass. She sighed heavily.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now