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The next day was a battle between getting out of bed, leaving the warmth of Gab's body draped around mine and emptying my bladder. She would stir and hug me closer everytime I would make small movements and I needed to go to the bathroom to pee asap. I didn't want to wake her up because I still wanted her to sleep some more. Uhm, I got her so worked up last night so yeah. Gab looked like an innocent child sleeping peacefully with her hair fanning on the sides of her face, although there was not a single trace of innocence in those hooded eyes last night. They were intense and fiery and all it was screaming for was desire and wanting. I bit my lip at the thought and felt a throb between my legs. Jesus! Just the mere thought of our sex last night is enough to drive me nuts, not to mention the teasing game in the kitchen that took an erotic turn and we ended up making love again.

I slowly slipped from her hold too careful not to wake her up. I grabbed 2 pillows and placed it between her arms and her legs. There. She stirred and I froze in an instant but thankfully she remained asleep. I slowly get out of the bed and my feet were already on the on the cold concrete floor when I felt strong hands snag me by the waist, pulling me back.

"Where do you think you're going darling?"

She whispered pulling me closer to her so I was practically sitting on her lap with her mouth in my hair. Her hands were tightly draped around my waist and her face was resting on the base of my neck, making the hairs on my nape stand every time she breathes. Then she planted a soft kiss on my shoulder and moved her mouth to my ears.

"Mmm.. you smell so good Lexi"

The hotness of her breath and her hoarse voice sent strong electrical impulses through my body, awakening my desire for her once more. Damn! I can already feel the throbbing between my legs as it intensify but I wouldn't complain. If there's one thing I would wish then it would be to wake up like this every single day. Then suddenly Gab spun me around, holding me in place as our gazes fixed on each other. Gab had this wolfish grin plastered on her gorgeous face and I can absolutely tell what that look meant. I was wishing for that too but maybe after going to the bathroom? Her hair was messy but it was working for her benefit, especially with that black tank top on. I shook my head lost for words. Then she raised her eye brows at me and her lips curved into a playful smile making me want to throw myself into her and molest her.

"What do you think you're doing Gabby?"

I asked arching my brow at her. She licked the corner of her mouth, running her hands through her hair before answering me.

"Uh. Seducing you?"

I let out a chuckle and glared at her, pretending that it's not affecting me when in fact I was dying to rip her clothes off and take her in every way I can. Then she stared at me in confusion with her furrowed brows and I just love doing this to her.

"Is it not working?"

She blurted out and I simply shook my head and pretended to be bored when in fact I am so turned on right at this very moment and I'm sure Gab knows it. Just one look from those gleaming eyes and I come in complete surrender to her.

"Really now?"

I shrugged still not saying anything. I enjoy mornings like this and I love the fact that we can play around with each other, and still be sweet towards the other at the same time. I think it's a key to a healthy relationship.

I gave her a light nod trying so hard to stifle my bursting laughter. I'm afraid I can't stand this anymore. Well Gab is making it so hard anyway. Then she cocked her head on the side and narrowed her eyes at me. She looks sinfuly delicious.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now