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"Oh Lexi, dear Lexi"

A voice whispered in my ear as I was awakening. I could hear footsteps as it draw near me and the evil laugh that comes with it. I tried to move but realized that my hands were tied from the back. I couldn't do much and moving would only cause shooting pain radiating through my entire body. I feel sore and everything that happened the night before flashed before my mind. Someone has taken me and there'd be no one else who would have any motive to do such, except William. I felt a rush of cold air down my body at the thought.

"Lexi darling, c'mon"

His voice echoed through the room as it circled around me. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to figure out where I was. I looked around and all I could see was darkness, but it wasn't pitch-black at all. I could see sun rays coming through the glass windows covered with ripped newspapers which tell me that it's already morning and I've been gone for too long. My heart dropped in my stomach at the thought of Gab. Last night before I lost consciousness, she was the only one I thought about. I was too eager to get to that store. Handing her that gift and seeing the huge smile on her face was all I wanted, not knowing it will end up like this; with me tied on a chair inside a dilapidated building, captured as William's prey. I regretted my impulsiveness knowing that I disappointed her once more. She must've been so worried about me and I hate myself because I am to blame that we are in this situation.

I bit my lip and fought so hard to untangle my hands. I must get out of here.I must come home to her.

"Oh, don't waste your energy on that. Fighting is useless Lexi"

William whispered, his face only an inch away from mine. I could hear my own heartbeat ringing in my ears as it pound heavily in my chest. Yes I am completely terrified with everything that has happened, but more than that, I am enraged.

"Let me go William!"

I hissed in gritted teeth.


He let out a chuckle and pushed himself back, letting out a loud sigh as he grabbed a chair and sat across me.

"Why would I do that? Hmm?"

He cocked his head on the side looking uninterested.

"Let me go!"

I yelled in anger, extinguishing the anguish inside me, but still it wasn't enough. I could kill someone, him to be specific with the rage inside me at the moment.

"You must know that it was very hard getting to you, you know the guards and all..."

He paused for a while, smiling wolfishly at me.

"But see how jealousy fuels up a woman. Molly did a wonderful job, luring that nosy secretary of yours, perfect"

My eyes widened in shock upon hearing her name; that bitch is working for William. That is why she was all over me that one time inside the elevator, giving unsolicited advices; she was pressing me for information. Every time she'd drop by the office, she was already spying on us and I feel too dumb because I just realized that she's been doing it for quite a long time now. William has been using her as his eyes and ears inside the tower. No wonder how he got pass our security. He knew what to do and when to attack. Molly was giving him the cue all this time. I shook my head and cursed under my breath. That fucking bitch!

While putting the blame on Molly is really tempting, I still don't think it would be fair and just. Yeah Molly is indeed a traitor. After successfully landing a good position in the company, this is how she repays ER. I just feel sorry about it but then again William is right; it was jealousy that triggered me to go out of my way and disregard Gab's orders. I wasn't even thinking and I felt horrible doing it to her when all she wanted was my safety. I was feeling jealous for stupid reasons.

Taming the Rebel Heart ( Sequel to Rebel Heart- GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now