Chapter 35

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Two years later I decide to re-evaluate my life with Joe. It's 10pm and its been a long day.

I have my own dream home. I have fantastic friends. I have the most beautiful baby girl, Amanda. And I get to share this with my Prince Charming.

I told Joe exactly that an he held me tighter. It was the middle of winter and we had our fire roaring and had several duvets over us on the couch.

"Has your mother contacted you since that phone call, like, two years ago?" he asked taking a sip of his not-so-hot chocolate.

"Nope, and I don't care." I laughed. "I know it's not funny but she wanted me to take down the YouTube channel that I love, that hasn't happened. She wanted me to stop being friends with people who make me feel loved, Zoe and Louise are like family to me. And then she flew over the line by saying that I need to end it with you."

"I love you, Ariana." he kissed my neck.

"I love you, Joseph." I giggled at his stubble scratching my neck.

My phone started to ring and I saw that it was Finn. Finn Harries.

"Hello Mr Finny Finn Finn! Haven't talked to you since forever, how's it been?"

"Pretty good, pretty good. Jack and I just wanted to say congrats on your channel and basically everything."

"Thank you so much."

"Jack was wondering I we could come over tomorrow for a quick catch up, what's your address?" he asked.

I told him our address and thanked him for calling before hanging up.

"Jack and Finn are coming tomorrow." I grinned at Joe.

"Are they now?" he teased. "That's great."

"God this house is a mess, you go to bed and I'll clean up."

He argued with me about 'it not being fair that you have to do all the cleaning' and 'I'll help' but I did convince him to go up to bed. I love him.

The house was covered in baby toys, dirty dishes and random things. It took a few hours but it was worth it, this place looks amazing now.

I trudge upstairs to up room and silently slither in next to Joe. I was about to fall asleep when I feel a warm hand creep up my back and pull off my shirt, well, Joe's shirt.

"Baby I want you." he whispered into my ear. "Baby I need you."

I turn my body to face him and run my hands down his body, from neck to the hem of his boxers. I slip my pinkie fingers under at his sides and pull then down slowly. I can tell by the look on his face that he can't wait for me to pull his boxers off.

I fling them to the floor. Joe takes my hair that's in a bun and pulls out the band holding my hair together.

With only one layer, my panties, between us, Joe reaches behind him and pulls out a shinny packet.

A moment later he's making me moan, making me cry.


The next morning I was up early to get the house perfect. I know, I know. I already have my happy little family but Jack and Finn are my best friends and I haven seen them in three years.

I open to door to a loud knocking and see Jack and Finn Harries.

"Hello." they simultaneously said.

"Hey!" I squealed, hugging them both, "Come in, come in take a seat."

Joe comes down stairs with a sobbing Amanda. "She wanted mummy." he said.

"Aw bubba," I say taking Amanda in my arms. "Mandy, meet Uncle Finny and Uncle Jack."

We played around with Amanda for a few hours before they had to leave. This makes me realise that no matter how long you have know someone, over five years as the twins and I or three years as Joe and I, you know that they will always be by your side. I know that if I called Jack in four moths and asked him to come over urgently, he would.

Everyone needs great friends like these. I'm just lucky to have so many of them. Even though today was only very short, it meant s much to me. That they even bothered to come over after three years of no contact.

My life has been full of great friendships that will last a life time, the ups and downs of a perfect relationship and a horrible mother. Not to mention the beautiful dark void that is the internet.

Ok that is the end, I wasn't sure how to end this so I just... did? Ok well, later on this year (not sure when) (2014, for readers from the future;)) I will be posting another story yay!!!!!

Follow me for more writingness and notifications that will annoy the living hell out of you, because trust me... it does.

(I'm sorry, I've been watching A LOT of danisnotonfire / Dan Howell at the moment.)

Make sure to read my 2nd Fanfiction: 'Secrets - A Dan Howell Fanfiction.' ... Shameless self-promotion! Yay! xox.

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