XLIX (Final)

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I wait for Vic at my locker as usual. I go over defense tactics in my head that I learned from self defense class. It's so fun. Vic says I look hot while doing it too.

Speak of the devil, Vic soon appears by my side and kisses my cheek.

"Hey Cutie. How was class?" he asks.

"It was nice. My art teacher said I should stop drawing you though and try something else." I giggle and Vic chuckles.

"You're adorable." he murmurs as he kisses my cheek again.

He suddenly steps in front of me and pushes me back. I'm initially confused but then I notice that Justin has approached us. I haven't seen or heard from him since the party.

"Why don't you fuck off? He doesn't want you here." Vic growls.

I gently place my hand on his shoulder and tug at it slightly.

"Babe, it's okay." I whisper.

He looks at me stressed and confused but steps back. I look up at Justin who looks guilty.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

"I want to apologize. Kell, I'm so sorry–"

I cut him off before he can finish.

"No you're not. Don't lie to me." I mutter.

"I am. Kell, I promise you that I am. I was just in a tough position. I was supposed to be dealing smack for this guy and I had a bad week and did it all. I owed him money, Kells, and if I didn't settle my debt one way or another, he was going to kill me." Justin explains but I feel no sympathy for him.

"So you used me? You were willing to hurt me to save yourself! What kind of a friend does that? What kind of a person does that? Do you have any idea how that could have affected me? Do you have any idea what I've been through? Do you even care? You're a selfish idiot and I don't even want to talk to you again!" I yell.

"Kellin, of course I care–"

I pull my hand back instinctively and punch him in the nose.

"I said don't lie to me." I spit, as he doubles over, holding his face. I use the opportunity to kick him in the balls.

I watch him cower in pain on the floor then Vic takes my hand and we walk away.

"That was fucking amazing, Kellin." Vic grins. "I wish I got that on camera."

"I've got you covered." Jaime chirps, popping up beside Vic, showing us the video he just took.

I giggle and blush at how cool I looked when I punched Justin.

"How's your hand, Darling?" Vic asks.

I look down at my swollen knuckles.

"It's okay. It hurts but it was worth it." I tell him.

He takes my hand and brings my tender knuckles up to his lips.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you." Vic grins.

"I probably shouldn't punch people though." I frown.

He smiles a little and drops my hand.

"You shouldn't resort to violence every time you feel upset, but there are exceptions. This was one of those times." Vic explains. "Besides, I have never seen you look so hot."

He pushes me against a locker and I stare into his playful eyes.

"Okay, that's gross. I'm going to class." Jaime says then walks off.

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