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I wake up with a thumping head and my face pressed against Vic's stomach. He's still snoring softly. He looks uncomfortable though. His neck is resting on the arm of the sofa and I have my arms wrapped around the only pillow.

I feel like crap.

In hopes to save my husband's probably already-aching neck, I shake him slightly. He hums but keeps his eyes closed

"Viccy, lift your head." I whisper.

He does so a little and I slide the pillow under him. He seems a lot more comfortable as he rests back. I shuffle up a bit and rest my head on his bare chest.

"How are you feeling?" he mumbles, still sounding half asleep.

"I don't feel so good." I admit.

He frowns and kisses my head.

"I'm sorry, bub." He murmurs. "I'll get you some water."

He tries to get up but I push him back down.

"No, you're still tired. Sleep more." I tell him.

"I'm fine." he insists, trying to get up again but I push him back down.

"At least cuddle me for a minute." I mumble, kissing his cheek.

He smiles and brushes his hand over my face.

"Your face paint is all messy and you look funny." he chuckles.

I giggle and bury my face in his chest embarrassed.

"I love you, Kellin." he whispers softly.

I love you too, babe." I chirp.

"You seemed very drunk last night. Do you remember everything?" he asks.

My stomach drops as I recall the events of the party.

"Yeah, I remember." I whisper.

Vic's hand travels down my back then back up.

"Sometimes we're forced to learn the hard way what kind of person someone truly is. Justin is not a good person, Kellin." Vic murmurs but I'm left confused.

"But it was Justin's friend." I frown, all the details of last night seeming fuzzy as I try to remember it.

"Baby, from what I heard through the phone, Justin had a debt to settle with that man and he was going to use you to settle that debt. He practically sold you to this man and he was going to let him, and apparently two other people do whatever they wanted to you. Yeah that man is a very bad person but Justin is even worse. That man was only going to hurt you once, Justin was willing to hurt you three times." Vic explains softly.

I want to kick myself for trusting Justin. I need to stop trusting people. Everyone I trust just takes advantage of me.

"Viccy, how do I know who is a good person and who is a bad person?" I squeak.

"We usually have to find out the hard way, Kells." Vic whispers.

"Why do I always get stuck with the bad people?" I choke out as tears well my eyes.

"I don't know, darling. Sometimes life sucks, you know? But you just have to keep your chin up and be thankful of all the good people in your life." he explains.

I sniff and run my fingers over his chest as I avoid his eyes.

"Vic, has a boy tried to...you know...hurt you?" I sniff.

"No, that hasn't happened to me." Vic says softly.

"Then why me?" I cry.

Vic wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now