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"Kell, Kellykins." Papa sings, shaking me awake.

My eyes crack open I smile up at the older man.

"You feeling any better?" he asks and that's when I remember last night and the kiss.

"Not really." I whisper truthfully.

"Okay, what if I brought you up breakfast?" he offers.

"Yes please." I smile.

"Does this have anything to do with your little crush on Vic?" he asks and I shake my head. "Does this have anything to do with your parents?"

I shake my head again and he nods.

"Taylor's going to come around next week and she's going to talk to you about the trial. We're going to start getting you ready for it." he explains and I nod, feeling a little scared. "You look worried."

"It's just a lot." I mumble. "I'm scared that I'm going to mess up and someone will be mad at me."

"Hey, no one's going to be mad at you. This whole trial is for you, Kellin. It's to make sure the people that hurt you get locked away so you'll never have to see them again. And it's to punish them so maybe they'll feel even a little bit of the pain they put you through." Papa explains and I nod but there's something bothering me.

"Papa, why are so many people going to so much trouble for me?" I ask quietly.

He smiles and squeezes my shoulder slightly.

"Because you're special, Kellin. You're a wonderful kid and you didn't deserve what they did. You deserve to have some justice. Maybe when you're older you'll understand it all better." Papa says and I nod once again.

"Thanks Papa." I whisper.

"Not a problem. I'll go get your breakfast. Make sure you rest up." he smiles.

He ruffles my hair then he leaves. Once he's gone, I'm left alone to think about last night.

I can't believe they kissed. And right in front of me! Where does that leave Vic and I? Are we still together? Does he still want me? Does he want her?

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. Vic stands there looking sad.

"Kell, I-"

"Go away." I interrupt.

He swallows hard and nods before he leaves.

I really want him to explain himself but right now I feel much too hurt to listen to anything he has to say.

Could this be the end of us? Will I ever find someone else? I don't think I could like someone the way I like Vic. What am I going to do?

Papa comes back with waffles and ice-cream for me.

"Seriously Kell, what's wrong?" he asks worried.

"It doesn't matter." I whisper.

"It matters to me. I don't like seeing you upset." he says softly.

I smile a little at that but don't say anything.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asks and I shake my head. "Whatever it is, Kells, it'll work itself out. No problem lasts forever."

That gives me a little bit of hope.

"Thanks Papa." I whisper.

"Not a problem, Kells. Come down when you're ready." he says and I nod although I'm not sure when I'll be ready to come down. I don't want to see Vic today. I'm not ready to face the problem head-on.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now