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Vic's POV

I wait anxiously behind the hedge, checking my watch and looking back at the door every few seconds. At exactly seven o'clock, the front door opens and I see Kellin walk out.

His steps are slow and his feet drag along the ground. He doesn't look happy at all. It's not the Kellin I remember.

I lift the backpack off of my shoulder and sit it down on the grass.

Kellin carries two seemingly heavy garbage bags down the yard but when he gets to the trash cans, one of the bags tear and rubbish falls onto the sidewalk. This instantly makes Kellin start crying and it breaks my heart. My poor baby must be so stressed.

He puts his face in his hands and I use the opportunity to sneak up behind him. I grab him from behind and as he drops his hands from his face, I cover his mouth with my hand. He screams but it comes out muffled by my hand. I shush him softly and drag him back behind the neighbors hedge.

I sit him down and manoeuvre my way in front of him. His eyes go wide when he sees me and I put my finger up to my lips to tell him to be quiet. He nods so I slowly take my hand off of his mouth. I quickly notice there's a cut on his lip.

"No, you're not real." is the first thing he says.

I frown confused.

"What do you mean? Kell, it's me, Vic." I tell him.

"No, I made you up. You're not real." he says shaking his head profusely.

"Who told you that?" I screech quietly.

"The Lost Boys." he says.

I'm confused and horrified at the same time.

"You're delusional. What did they do to you?" I growl.

He looks down and plays with his fingers. God, I've really missed him and he doesn't even think I exist.

I take his face in my hands and pulls his lips to mine, kissing him softly. Butterflies fill my stomach and my heart begins to beat faster as I kiss him.

I pull away from him and he looks at me wide-eyed. He then throws his arms around my neck.

"Vic." he gasps. "I knew it. I knew you were real."

"Did you seriously think I wasn't real because some boys told you so?" I frown, hugging him back tightly. Fuck, I really missed having him in my arms.

"They were very convincing and you just seemed too good to be true." he mumbles.

"Well, I'm real. And I'm here." I whisper.

"You're here." he states. "What are you doing here?"

He pulls back and I admire his confused and wonder-struck eyes.

"I had to see you." I breathe. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. Are you here to take me home?" he asks and I feel sick having to disappoint him.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could. I brought you some things though." I tell him, grabbing my bag.

I unzip it and start pulling out some of the contents.

"I brought you your sketchbook, to keep you occupied. And Aladdin." I say holding up the DVD and his face lights up, making my heart swell.

I place them aside then rumage through the bag.

"You look thinner, bub. Are they letting you eat?" I ask worried, looking him up and down. He hasn't been here long but I can notice a difference.

"Not really." he mumbles sadly.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now