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It's been absolute hell here. It's only been a week but it feels like much longer.

"Hey fuck-face, get up before you miss out on breakfast." I hear Sebastian say.

Believe it or not but he's one of the nicer kids who live here. He feels the need to always insult me and shove me if I get in his way but at least he wakes me up for breakfast. The other boys would let me starve.

I push my sheets off and get out of bed quickly. I make my bed so I don't get in trouble. Then I get dressed and rush downstairs.

My body aches from yesterday's beating. The bruises Alex had left are now all faded and have been replaced with bruises from the gang that lives here with me. They call themselves the Lost Boys which I think they stole from a movie. But I'm not sure if it's from Peter Pan or the scary one with the vampires.

When I make it downstairs to the kitchen, I discover that I'm too late. All the food is gone. I wish I hadn't taken so much time making my bed. It's just so hard though.

"Aye look. Faggot is late again." One of the boys says. His name is Sledge. Although I don't think that's his real name. He's in the Lost Boys gang.

Tears well up in my eyes as I feel my stomach grumble. I've barely eaten all week. I've made breakfast in time once and dinner twice but other than that, lunch is the only meal I can eat.

There's a lot of boys here. Fifteen to be exact. They all eat a lot. And they all scare me. Even the twelve year olds.

"Awe he's going to cry. Why don't you go run back to your Mama or your imaginary boyfriend?" Skater teases. He's also from the gang.

"He's real." I croak out in a whimper. But I'm only trying to convince myself.

They tell me I made Vic up in my head because my life sucked. But it's not true, it can't be. He seemed so real. But even I'm starting to doubt myself.

I walk out of the kitchen and go into the TV room while everyone eats their food. I decide to distract myself with a movie. I do that a lot. It's the only thing that's gotten me through the week. Although I'm running out of options and they don't have Aladdin here.

I put on a movie called 'Cinderella'. I like the animated ones. No one else does so usually it gets turned off while I'm still watching it. It just means I have to watch them in sections. I guess it's better than nothing.

No one ever turned off the movie when I was living with Mama and Papa.

But I try not to think of them, or that life I had. It hurts too much. I miss it until I feel sick. But there's no point in getting upset over it, I'm never going back.

I go over to the corner of the room and sit there as I watch the movie. The corner is the safest place. That way I have a wall behind me and one on my side. No one can surprise me now.

As I'm watching, I find that the movie emulates my life. I just wish I had a fairy godmother to come save me from my horrible foster home and take me to my Prince Charming.

"Kellin, there's someone here to see you." The voice comes from Matilda. She supposedly runs this place but I don't see her very often, I'm not sure if she's here half the time.

Tay's standing next to her and I'm relieved to see her. Maybe she's here to take me home. She gives me a bright smile but I can't return it. I don't remember when I smiled last. I think it was when Vic was holding me and we were watching Wayne's World, assuming that even happened.

Tay walks over and slides down the wall next to me. Out of habit, I try to move away but I can't press up against the wall any more.

"Kell, you look terrible." she frowns. "You're covered in bruises and you're definitely skinnier. Are they treating you right here?"

I can't tell her what they do or they'll kill me. They told me that. So I stay silent.

"Kiddo, I can't help unless you talk to me." she says but I keep my mouth shut.

She sighs and gently takes my hand.

"Where is that bright smile I've come to love?" she whispers.

"There's no reason to smile anymore." I whisper back.

She frowns at that.

"Honey, I know it feels like that right now but it'll get better." she says but she's lying. How can it get better?

"Are you coming to take me home?" I ask.

"Unfortunately no. I'm just here to check up on you." she explains.

"Then nothing is going to get better." I mumble.

She squeezes my hand gently.

"Mama and Papa are working really hard on getting you back. You just need to hold on, Kiddo. Vic wouldn't want you to give up." she tells me.

"Vic." I say his name in confusion. He's real. I know he is. He's real.

"Yeah, Vic. Your boyfriend. Are you feeling alright, honey?" she asks seeming worried.

I don't answer her silly question.

"I'm looking far and wide for a new foster family for you, Kells. And don't tell anyone this but I'm also helping Mama and Papa figure out how to get you back." she says.

"Do you think it'll work?" I ask. I don't want to get my hopes up but I need to know my chances.

"I honestly don't know, Sweetie. I hope so. Vic's a mess without you." she says and Vic's name once again leaves my mind in a confusion. It's hard to tell if he was all just a dream or not. Tay thinks he's real so he must be, right?

"Can you tell him not to hurt himself?" I ask hopefully.

She smiles and nods.

"Anything else you want me to tell him?" she asks.

"Um, tell him that I love him and that I'm okay. And tell Mama and Papa that too." I tell her.

"Will do." she chirps.

"Oh and can you tell Jenna I love her too?" I question.

"I'm sure she knows but I will tell her that for you." Tay smiles.

"I miss everyone so much." I sigh.

She hugs me gently but her touch only upsets my bruises and aching muscles.

She stays and talks for a bit longer but then she tells me she has to go. It's probably for the best, I don't want to miss lunch.

Matilda shows her out and once she's gone, I realise that I can finally talk to Matilda.

"Matilda, can I have some food? I missed breakfast." I whisper, looking down at my feet. The large woman is rather intimidating.

"If you wanted to eat then you would have made it to breakfast on time. Get used to the schedule, Kellin. There is no handouts in this household." she booms.

I nod and apologize then she leaves.

I go sit outside the dining room and lean against the wall, waiting for lunch to be ready.

I find myself getting lost in my imagination. I imagine I'm back at Mama and Papa's house and Vic and I are cuddling while Vic sings to me. I can smell Mama's cooking from the kitchen and Papa is smiling lovingly at Vic and I.

It's all so perfect. Too perfect. Maybe I did just make it all up.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now