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I'm a little nervous as Mama rings the doorbell. I've never been to someone else's house before other than my parents and Mama and Papa's. Although the excitement of seeing Taylor and Jenna trumps my nervousness.

Taylor answers the door and greets everyone with hugs, including me.

"I missed you." I whisper to her.

"I missed you too." She whispers back, leading us into the house.

We go into the sitting room where Jenna is and I feel compelled to hug her too. I'm getting better with the whole physical contact stuff.

"Hey Kells, how's your shoulder?" She chirps.

"It doesn't really hurt anymore but I have to wear this stupid sling for two weeks." I mutter. "Its so annoying."

Its such a nuisance. Getting dressed is a pain, drawing is difficult, cuddling with Vic also sucks.

Jenna smirks and shakes her head.

"If you can put your arm up straight over your head then you can take it off." She says.

Determined I put my arm straight up but immediately put it back down when I feel the pain in my shoulder. I whimper in pain.

"Hey be careful." Vic sighs.

Jenna smirks at him raising an eyebrow.

"Looks like the sling is staying." She says and I whine. "In two weeks it should be fine. Patience kiddo."

I sigh and nod as I go to grab Vic's hand but stop myself. Ugh.

"Viv and I will go get the ingredients for dinner. I'm sure the boys will behave." Papa says.

"Okie dokie. Do either of you have any objections to me cutting Kellin's hair?" Jenna chirps.

"Not at all." Mama shakes her head.

They begin to leave but I quickly wrap my arm around Papa then around Mama. Mama smiles and kisses my forehead before ruffling my hair.

"We'll be back soon." She whispers.

"Hurry back." I smile and she nods.

They then leave and I turn back to Jenna and Tay.

"I'm going to go get my hair dressing equipment ready." Jenna says.

"I'll go get my nail kit." Taylor chirps, following Jenna out of the room.

Vic immediately wraps his arms around me once they're gone. I sigh contently and bury my face into his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I look up at him.

"Vic," I murmur.

"Yeah Kells."

"I hate hiding us." I frown.

"I know Kells. I'm sorry." He says sounding ashamed.

I smile lightly and kiss him.

"Don't be." I say reassuringly. "Its okay. I understand. It just gets frustrating because I want to hold your hand and hug you and kiss you all the time."

He smiles and runs his hand down the side of my face.

"Me too baby." He sighs.

He kisses my nose one more time before stepping away.

Tay and Jenna enter the room not long after. Jenna lays down a sheet and puts a cushion on the floor then she tells me to sit on it. I do just that and Tay takes my hand as Jenna starts doing something to my hair.

A Whole New World (Kellic) - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now