Prologue: How it All Started

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Your POV at age 18

Your sitting down on a park bench looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms bloom as you wait for Jungkook to show up. He called you on the phone saying he has good news.

" y/n! y/n! I did it" an overjoyed Jungkook jumps up and down cutely and you stand up from the bench.

" I knew you would" you smile and congratulate him by placing a kiss on his lips.

" yah! That's all I get for achieving my dream" he frowns and you chuckle

" hmm... of course not so what do you want?" You ask

" my house tonight at 7pm" he smirks

" yah! Pervert but fine I will be there" you kiss his cheek this time and pulls you in for a quick make out.

~~~~At Jungkook's apartment~~~~

Your wearing a short black lace dress that Jungkook bought you last year for your birthday. You wore your nude heels to match and had your hair down in waves.

You knock on the door and it opens immediately. Jungkook eyes you up and down making you blush.

" you look gorgeous babe" he says and kisses your soft lips. He pulls you in and closes the door. He takes you to his small kitchen which didn't bother you.

A small round table with a white cloth over it and a clear vase with a rose in it. Beside it two lit up candles. He pulls out the chair for you and sit down. He has the plate and utensils set up like it would be at a fancy restaurant.

" you cooked?" You ask taking a whiff of pasta coming from the pot as Jungkook places a fairly good amount on your plate along with a portion of steamed vegetables.

" yeah I did so don't expect to much" he laughs

" I'm sure it's good and if not I'll teach you" you smile and he serves himself as well.

He sits down and waits for you to taste it to see your reaction. You take a good amount of pasta and place it in your mouth as you chew it Jungkook grows impatient for your response.

" relax baby it's good" you smile after swallowing. He takes a deep breath and relaxes.

" bon appetite"

You both eat and talked for hours letting time pass by. You really love him despite your age. Everyone you know says comments like " you won't last" or "you don't know what love really is" but their wrong. What you and Jungkook have is real.

Your now on the couch with him with your head against his chest and his arms around you.

" my training starts in a week and I'll meet the others on the first day" Jungkook says kind of nervously. You place your hand on his broad shoulder to comfort him.

" you'll be fine don't worry to much" you coo

" I don't know, what if we don't get along or they hate me" he begins to stress himself out

" listen, stop with the what if's because it will never accomplish anything, instead say I will and no one can hate you" you kiss his cheek. He meets your eyes and licks his bottom lip.

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