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Trixie was currently sat in the passenger seat of Katya's car. Her feet were rested on the dashboard and Katya's hand was set gently on her thigh. She felt pretty content at the moment, although there was a dreaded feeling of them approaching the cabin soon.

"How much longer?" Trixie asked, tilting her head over to look at Katya as she drove.

And Trixie wouldn't lie, Katya looked extremely hot right now. Her one free hand was gripping the steering wheel tightly and she had this concentrated look on her face that made Trixie melt a little.

"Only ten minutes or so," She said in return, glancing over at Trixie for a moment.

It was a pleasant sight to see Trixie fucking Mattel in her car, but really, Trixie fucking Mattel was just a pleasant sight to Katya.

"Why? getting annoyed of me already?" Katya teased, smiling as she directed her eyes back to the road.

Trixie giggled, leaning her head back against the chair as she kept her eyes on Katya.

"Oh, most definitely. An hour is a bit too much to spend with you," She said playfully, placing her hand over Katya's that was on her knee now, just to push it up again.

Katya shook her head with a soft laugh as she made a turn off the main road.

"How are you gonna manage the whole weekend then?" She said with a smile, "We'll be sharing a room too. You might die from being around me too much."

"I might have to change rooms with someone else," Trixie giggled out in response.

Katya just laughed before Trixie was moving to turn up the radio a bit more. It was only a few more minutes though, and Katya was pulling in front of a huge cabin.

a/n: theyre the cutest

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