• q&a

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are u a boy or a girl?
i was born a girl but i identify as non-binary and my pronouns are they/them

cats or dogs?
i lovvvv dogs but recently i got a cat and he's so cute and tiny

do you like the vixen?
yes!! she's really talented and pretty and she called eureka out on her bs on untucked !! a bitch we stan

will this fic have smut?
yes it will !! look foward to it

how old are you?
i'm 17!!

what inspired you to write this?
i love iq kitty and i love cherry bomb katya and i havent seen any good fic about them two so i was like whip lets do this

are u #teamaquaria?
i'm hastag team anyone but eureka

who was the first queen you discovered?
adore delano bc a youtuber was always talking abt them

which shows are u a fan of?
my fav show is skins uk and i love shameless, unbreakable kimmy, black mirror and sherlock

what do u think of rupaul after the reunion?
we have been knew she is a thransphobic and an asshole so yeah fuck rupaul

are you in any club/activities/whatever?
no i'm not all i do is cry and write

fav queens?
my fav queen of all time is raja but i also love violet aquaria sharon alaska jinkx trixie katya

trixie or katya?

is trixya your ultimate ship?
drag wise yes but my parents are dan and phil

do you like adore's music?
yesss!! and ive been to a couple of their shows and live is amazing

fav lollipop flavour?
peach bc i'm gay™️

i'm uploading a chapter later today don't @ me

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